Monday, Jan. 5:
Lesson 1: Introduction to Transcendentalism
AIM: Who are the Transcendentalists and what are they trying to transcend?
Do Now: Read “Who are the Transcendentalists”.
Mini-Lecture:From 1840-1855, literature in America experienced a rebirth called the New England Renaissance. Through their poetry, short stories, novels, and other works, writers during this period established a clear American voice. No longer did they see their work as less influential than that of European authors. Transcendentalism was a part of this “flowering” of American literature. Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau were important voices in this philosophical movement that sought to have individuals “transcend” to a higher spiritual level. To achieve this goal, the individual had to seek spiritual, not material, greatness and the essential truths of life through intuition. Emerson was the philosopher and teacher. Thoreau was the student and the practitioner.
Class Activities: As a class, create a web w/characteristics of Transcendentalism. During Review of worksheet, students can mark up (underline, write questions, make connections, etc.) and then discuss the text.
Discuss the Transcendentalist’s perception of the relationship between man, nature and oversoul.
Read and discuss “The Rhodora” in class, break into groups to share out answers to discussion questions.
Reflection: Fill in examples of transcendental thought on the “Examples of Transcendental Thought” grid.
HW: Read “Self-Reliance”. Underline words you do not know (and look them up!) and be prepared to discuss questions in class. REMINDER: All make up work is due in class on Friday, Jan. 16th. Streetcar Essays due by 3PM on Friday, Jan. 9th.
Tuesday, Jan. 6
Lesson 2-3: Introduction to Emerson and Self-Reliance
AIM: What is Emerson’s definition of “self-reliance”?
Do Now: Read Emerson’s biography.
Class Work:
Review/summarize main points in Emerson’s essay. Assign each group a paragraph to analyze main point and share out with the class.
Group Work: Complete the “What is Emerson trying so say…” worksheet.
Share Out: Worksheet responses from 2-3 groups.
Reflection: Fill in examples of transcendental thought on the “Examples of Transcendental Thought” grid.
HW: Complete your Emerson worksheet at home tonight; write your responses using complete sentences. REMINDER: All make up work is due in class on Friday, Jan. 16th. Streetcar Essays due by 3PM on Friday, Jan. 9th.
Wednesday, JAN 7th
MANDATORY PSAT SCORE REVIEW then we will spend the day catching up on class business. You will have time to work on your Streetcar Essay and do a peer edit; so bring a copy of your essay to class unless you turned it in early. Streetcar Essays due by 3PM on Friday, Jan. 9th.
AIM: Why is it important to understand my PSAT score?
Do Now: Class meeting
Class Activities:
-Discuss PSAT scores and how they are calculated
-Explain how scores reveal student strengths and areas for improvement
Group Work
-Review individual PSAT scores
- Identify own strengths and areas for improvement
- Answer the AIM
If time allows, continue discussion of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s “Self-Reliance” and give students time to copy summary of main points from yesterday’s class.
- Work on your Streetcar essay—remember, it is due Friday, Jan. 9th by 3pm.
-Complete two make up assignments of your choice. If you do not owe me any work, take the night off!
Thursday, Jan. 8th
AIM: Is it true that “To be great is to be misunderstood”? Why or why not?
Do Now: Choose two of the selected quotations (or find your own) from “Self Reliance”. Do you agree with what Emerson is saying? Is the quotation relevant today? Why or why not?
Class Work: Great Books discussion of Emerson quotation.
Reflection: Fill in examples of transcendental thought on the “Examples of Transcendental Thought” grid.
HW: Write a letter to Mr. Emerson, in which you either make a case for agreeing with his assertions in “Self Reliance” or disagree. Your letter must be at least two paragraphs long and must contain at least two quotes from “Self Reliance”. REMINDER: All make up work is due in class on Friday, Jan. 16th. Streetcar Essays due by 3PM on Friday, Jan. 9th.
Friday, Jan. 9
Lesson 3: Introduction to Thoreau
AIM: Who is this Henry guy and why is he hitchhiking? What does he think he is-- a transcendentalist or something?
Do Now Read Biography of Thoreau.
Do Next: Chairs in a circle—it’s STORY TIME!!!!!
Class Activities: Read Henry Hikes to Fitchburg to class.
While I read, find parallels between Henry Thoreau, and Henry the Bear. J
After reading, write student responses on the board. Add to “Transcendentalism” web.
HW: None! Enjoy your night off! J However, the on-time deadline for your Streetcar/ Companion Text essays is tomorrow (Friday, Jan. 9th) in class. If you need to print, go to the Writing Center pd. 4,5,6,7,or 9. REMINDER: All make up work is due in class on Friday, Jan. 16th.