Monday, November 17, 2008

Homework Nov. 5-17

Lesson Plan: Monday, Nov. 3rd

AIMHow do I determine the relevance of evidence from THE CRUCIBLE to prove my thesis?
Do Now1) Sign up to see me today if you are struggling with your interpretation of the critical lens.
2) See me if you were absent Friday!
3) Brainstorm a list of three to five examples from the texts that you could use to prove your interpretation and stance of the critical lens is correct.
Class Discussion
1) Briefly review the rubric for this assignment.

2) Discuss how to weigh and choose text evidence, share strategies with the class.
The first example is not necessarily the best example.
Avoid self-contradiction.
Avoiding redundancy.
Address all aspects of the interpretation.
Validating your stance.
Testing your evidence for weakness (i.e.—think like the prosecutor, not the defendant).

Group Work Instructions:1) Get in groups according to your paper topic.
2) Share the ideas you brainstormed during the “Do Now”.
3) Use the criteria we discussed in class to weigh your evidence, and discuss what you plan to write with your group.
4) By the end of class, you must have two examples from each text that you can explain and which your group members agree support both your interpretation and your stance.
Student-Teacher Conferences:
During group work I will meet with you individually.
*Remember, if you need extra help I am in the writing center period 5.

Notebook Check:
Five minutes before the end of class I will check your notebooks for group work item #4.
Share Out Quickwrite: Answer the aim.

HomeworkTonight at home, use the examples you found to draft two MORE “body” or “evidence” paragraphs. Bring them to class Monday as your preliminary rough draft.

NOTE: Essay “Early Submission” Deadline is Nov. 14th. If you turn your essay in early, you get 10 points added to your final grade. ALL essays due in class on Tuesday, Nov. 18th.

Tuesday, Nov. 5th; Wednesday, Nov. 6th, Thursday, Nov. 7th: Periodic Assessment

Lesson Plan: Monday, November 10.

AIM: How do I determine if I have the right evidence from “Half-Hanged Mary” to prove my thesis?
Do NowClass meeting:
1) Sign up students for 1:1 conferences with teacher
2) See me if you were absent last week.
3) General questions about the paper. (Survey students about where they are in the writing process).
4) Review class reminders.

Class Discussion
1) Ask a student to review how to weigh and choose text evidence, share strategies with the class.
2) Add these components to discussion:
The first example is not necessarily the best example.
Avoid self-contradiction.
Avoiding redundancy.
Address all aspects of the interpretation.
Validating your stance.
Testing your evidence for weakness (i.e.—think like the prosecutor, not the defendant).
The quagmire of “sort of”,“kind of”, “could be”, “maybe” and “both”

Independent Writing Instructions:1) Do not interrupt student conferences for *ANY* reason.
2) Work independently to write your body paragraphs.
3) Use this time well! If you have a question, ask me between conferences or sign up for a conference time today.
Reflection: Swap papers with a partner and do a 5 minute peer edit/conference.

Homework: Finish your draft of at least three “evidence” paragraphs. Bring them to class tomorrow as your preliminary rough draft along with your completely rewritten introduction paragraph. This is a QUIZ GRADE NOTEBOOK CHECK WORTH 40 POINTS.
Helpful hint: Begin typing now! It makes revisions easier, and you will not be “burning the midnight oil” when your essay is due next week.
NOTE: Essay “Early Submission” Deadline is Nov. 14th. If you turn your essay in early, you get 10 points added to your final grade. ALL essays due in class on Tuesday, Nov. 18th.

Lesson Plan: Wednesday, Nov. 12th

AIMWhat are my strengths as a writer, and in what areas do I need improvement?
Do Now1) Homework on desk for notebook check. I am checking for an introduction and three evidence paragraphs. This is a 40 point quiz grade!!!!!

During Notebook Check:
Review the work you have done so far on your essay. Brainstorm a list of questions you have about the essay, and prepare to share with the class.
Do Next:
Class meeting—discuss students’ questions.
Class Work & DiscussionAfter class meeting, students have several options:
1) Work independently on their papers.
2) Conference with a partner about a specific writing problem
3) Meet with the teacher about their papers. ReflectionAnswer the aim.
HomeworkTonight at home, continue working on your papers. We will work on your conclusion paragraphs tomorrow, but you may begin writing it if you wish.

LESSON PLAN: Thursday, Nov. 13
What are the steps I need to take to write a strong conclusion paragraph?
Do Now
· If you were absent yesterday, see me during Independent Writing time You missed a QUIZ GRADE!!!!
· Ask if anyone in class has not yet had a student-teacher conference.
· Class Meeting — Review the “Writing a Conclusion” Checklist
· Ask students to share tips for writing a great conclusion paragraph.
Class Work & Discussion:
Model steps for writing an “Conclusion” using overhead projector.
Writer’s Workshop
§ 15 minutes to draft your conclusion paragraph. (Complete Notebook check for absent students during independent writing time)
Peer Edit/ Student-Teacher Conferences
§ Students work in pairs to complete conclusion checklist.
§ Conference with students who need help.
If time allows, ask students to share 1-2 conclusion paragraphs for the class.
Complete a full second draft of your paper at home. If you write it by hand, skip a line and leave a 1-inch margin around the paper for tomorrow’s peer edit. If you typed your paper, double space. Hang in there—you’re almost finished! J

LESSON PLAN: Friday, Nov. 14
How does my work measure up to the Regents’ rubric for this essay?
Do Now
§ Class meeting—sign up for teacher conference, deadlines, make-up work, etc.
§ Discuss 100 point grading system with students: 40 points base grade for turning in complete paper; additional 60 points based on rubric scale times ten. Papers below 80 will be required to complete a rewrite. If you score over 100, additional points will be scored as extra credit.

Class Work: Using the Rubric/Student-Teacher Conferences
§ Take out your first draft and sit with a partner you have not worked with yet.
§ Trade papers and give your partner a grade based on the Regents’ rubric.
§ Keep your voices low.
§ Sign up to see me if we have not yet had a conference.

What do you need to do to earn a “6” according to the rubric?

Keep working on your papers. If you are turning your paper in tomorrow, remember to bring your independent reading book tomorrow.

LESSON PLAN: Monday, Nov. 17
How can I use today’s class time productively?
Do Now
§ Class meeting: Today you have five options:
1. Peer tutoring (*Only* if you turned paper in today).
2. Independent Writing – Continue working on essay.
3. Independent Reading – Read silently and complete a journal entry of your choice.
4. Teacher conference
5. Peer edit – Continue working with your partner on your paper.

Ok, folks. The big day is Monday—all essays due in class.
Good luck tonight!