Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Competition is FIERCE!

Hello Students!

Today, genius struck in 3rd period.
Like, seriously.
We decided to have a contest for the classes to see which class can earn the highest median average, and here's what we came up with:

*For any class that earns a median grade of 80%, *all* students in the class will receive TWO POINTS on top of their final grade for the semester. So...if you have a'll receive a 65!

*The class that earns the HIGHEST median grade will receive THREE POINTS on top of the final grade for the semester. So if you have a 77, you will earn an 80!

If you are wondering how your class can win, it's easy: turn in make up homework and missing assignments! The biggest gains in class median scoring are made by students who have a grade between 50-75; once you raise your score to a 75 the entire class benefits. Go for it!

Here are the MEDIAN AVERAGE numbers for this week:

Pd. 3: 77%

Pd. 4: 69%

Pd. 7: 72%

Pd. 8: 69%

Pd. 9: 69%

I will post class median scores each week on the blog and track the scores throughout the week on the whiteboard in my room!

Good luck!

Ms. Smith

Friday, December 12, 2008

Is she *EVER* going to finish grading my essay???!!!

Hello Students, Parents, and Families:

I just wanted to drop you a line to let you know that I've graded a whopping 146 of the 170 essays on The Crucible and "Half-Hanged Mary". I will finish grading the last 25 essays next week.

Thanks for your patience; grading these papers takes a long time, and I want to make sure I give each student detailed feedback on their writing.

Remember, if you receive a rubric score below 100, you can complete a rewrite of your essay for extra credit. See me in the Writing Center (Room 4000) 5th period any day to discuss your

Ms. Smith

Important Upcoming Deadlines!

Hello, Folks!
Here are the important upcoming deadlines for my English class:

Friday, Dec. 19th: Final Projects for A Streetcar Named Desire due in class.
Monday, Dec. 22: Finish reading your companion texts!
Tuesday, Dec. 23rd: Early submission deadline for your four-paragraph controlling idea (theme) essay on A Streetcar Named Desire and your Companion Text. If you turn this essay in early, you receive 10 points on top of your final grade for the paper. :)
Monday, January 5th: All four-paragraph controlling idea (theme) essays on A Streetcar Named Desire and your Companion Text are due IN CLASS.

Thanks for keeping yourself updated, and an early Happy Holidays!

Ms. Smith

Homework: Dec. 15-19th

Monday, Dec. 15th

AIM How do I *KNOW* I created a rubric for my project that will help me succeed?
Do Now
1) Put your rubric on your desk for notebook check.
2) Trade rubrics with a partner. Using one of my rubrics from class as a model, analyze and evaluate your partner’s rubric. Are the categories appropriate for the project? Is the language specific to the project? Are the points appropriately weighted in each category?

Class Work & Discussion
Is there any such thing as a rubric for a rubric?
Review criteria of a good rubric with students.
Work with students 1:1 who are struggling with the assignment.
While students work, conference with each group and assist as needed. During group work, sign up students for 1:1 conferences about their projects.

Share Out Students share out categories/descriptions for their rubrics.

HW: Complete a FINAL draft of your rubric. You can use rubistar, or type the rubric, but you must be able to print it out and it is always better if it fits on ONE PAGE J

LESSON PLAN Tuesday, Dec. 16th
Why is it important to plan out the steps in a large project?
Do Now
1) Compare your progress on your project so far to your original work plan. What do you have left to do? Do you need to revise your plan?

Class Work
This is a work period. Work independently and quietly and I will call you up for your conference when it is your turn. If you have a question, write it down at the end of class and I will answer it during reflection time.
Share and Reflection
Ask students to turn in written questions.
In the last ten minutes of class, allow students to conference with a partner of their choice about the project they are working on, or continue to work independently.
Respond to student questions about their projects.
· Continue working on your project You can also come to my class period 3-4-7-8-9.
· Remember to submit your rubric along with your project!

LESSON PLAN Wed. Dec. 17th
How can I use class time today to prepare for my final project?
Do Now
1) Quickwrite: What do you need to do tonight to be prepared to present your project Friday?

Class Work
This is a work period. Work independently and quietly and I will call you up for your conference when it is your turn. If you have a question, write it down at the end of class and I will answer it during reflection time.
Share and Reflection
Ask students to turn in written questions.
In the last ten minutes of class, allow students to conference with a partner of their choice about the project they are working on, or continue to work independently.
Respond to student questions about their projects.
· Projects due Monday and Tuesday in class! I am looking forward to your GALLERY WALK! J
· Remember to turn in your rubric. You will be evaluated using the rubric that you created in class on Monday.

Thursday, Dec. 18th

Why is it important to be prepared for tomorrow’s deadline?
Do Now
1) Class meeting re: Streetcar/ Companion text essays, and project presentations.

Class Work
This is a work period. Work independently and quietly and I will call you up for your conference when it is your turn. If you have a question, write it down at the end of class and I will answer it during reflection time.
Share and Reflection
Ask students to turn in written questions.
In the last ten minutes of class, allow students to conference with a partner of their choice about the project they are working on, or continue to work independently.
Respond to student questions about their projects.
· Projects due Monday and Tuesday in class! I am looking forward to your GALLERY WALK! J
· Remember to turn in your rubric. You will be evaluated using the rubric that you created in class on Monday.

LESSON PLAN: Friday, Dec. 19th
Why is it important to celebrate our success and share what we have learned?
Do Now
You have 5 minutes to prepare for your presentations.
Student Presentations:
1) Student presentations and rubric assessment.
2) Shout outs & compliments for “Best Of”
In a quickwrite, explain how your final project will help you write your essay on A Streetcar Named Desire and your companion text.
Finish reading your companion text over the weekend! You have two days in class next week to write your essay. Early deadline: Tues, Dec. 23rd. On Time Deadline: Monday, January 5th.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Bring Companion Text to Class Dec. 10th!

Dear Parents, Students, and Families,

*Please bring your companion texts to class tomorrow. we will be using them all day in class.

*Also the annual HSES Book Fair is Thursday, Dec. 11th. We will be visiting the Book Fair during class time.

*Last but not least, you can check here at the class blog for more information on homework assignments, homework help, and links to educational

Best wishes,
Ms. Smith

Friday, December 5, 2008

Homework Dec. 8-12th!

Monday, Dec. 8th

AIMHow do humans’ primal behaviors both strengthen and destroy them?

Do Now
· Notebook check questions 34-36.
· Put Book Report #3 in HW Basket.
· During NB Check: Quickwrite-- What is a “primal instinct”? Can people be expected to resist their primal instincts?

Class Meeting:
· Class Meeting: Respecting peers during discussion of violence in Streetcar.
· Choose a Companion text for Streetcar by Friday, Nov. 30th and bring it to class for 50 points.
· Share “Do Now”

Class Work & Discussion:
· Ask student to summarize scene 10.
· Watch Scene 10 on film, compare/contrast to the book.

Discussion Questions:
· Who does Blanche tell Stanley she heard from? What invitation does she say he extended?
· Blanche tells Stanley that Mitch came to see her that night. What does she tell him the reason was?
· What happens at the end of Scene Ten?
· As a class, discuss the AIM and debate it using examples from the text.
ReflectionAnswer the AIM in a well-written paragraph.

HomeworkReview the R.A.F.T. letter writing assignment. If you would like to get a head start on it, you may begin working on it tonight. Also, if you missed Friday’s quiz on your companion text, you can complete it tonight for HALF CREDIT.

*****************Lesson Plan:*******************
Tues. Dec. 9th

Are any of the characters in Streetcar worthy of our sympathy? Explain why or why not.

Do Now
· Notebook check question 37.
· During NB Check: Quickwrite—with which character in Streetcar do you most strongly sympathize? Explain why. (You cannot say “no one!” J )
· Share “Do Now”

Class Work & Discussion:
· Watch Scene 11 on film, compare/contrast to the book.
· Break into groups by character to make a case for “character sympathy” discussion. Students have 5 minutes to find at least one quote and two examples why their character deserves sympathy.
Shared Inquiry Preparation:
· Review “Rules of Shared Inquiry”, “Types of Questions”, and “Steps for Writing a Shared Inquiry Question” with the class.
· Coach students through writing questions.
· Discuss unit “Essential Questions” with the class.

ReflectionAnswer the AIM in a well-written paragraph.

HomeworkR.A.F.T. Writing Assignment (See Streetcar Assignment Packet)
Identify and read a selection from the text that deals with abuse. Next, you will write an advice letter to a character in the play. In this letter, you will state why you are writing the letter and why the character needs help. You must also explain how the character might go about getting help. Tone is especially important during the writing of this assignment!

*****************Lesson Plan:*******************
Wed., Dec. 10th

How can our companion texts help us understand themes in Streetcar?

Do Now
· Notebook check- Companion text.
· 10 minutes silent reading of your Companion Text. If you forgot your book, select a “theme” from the “theme” worksheet and write a paragraph explaining how Williams evokes this theme in Streetcar. Be sure to include text evidence to prove your case.

Class Work & Discussion:
· Remind students about respectful discussion rules for controversial topics.
· Ask if students wish to share “RAFT” letters.
· Review main themes in Streetcar.
· Ask for student volunteers to discuss their companion texts and compare shared themes they have identified so far.
· Group students according to companion texts for 10-minute “theme” meeting.

Unit Project Declaration:
On a separate sheet of paper, choose one of the final projects. Explain which project it is, and give three reasons you are choosing it.

Answer the AIM in a well-written paragraph based on your reading of Streetcar and your companion text.

Remember that your Comparison Essay on A Streetcar Named Desire is due in class on Friday, Dec. 19th.
Lesson Plan: Thursday, Dec. 11h and Friday, Dec. 12th.

AIM How do I create a rubric for my project that will help me succeed?
Do Now Reread the directions for your project. Make a list of 6-8 categories you will use to judge your project’s success. Prepare to share.

Class Work & Discussion
As a class, review extant rubrics. Ask students to identify helpful aspects/less helpful aspects of rubrics (take notes and update class rubrics accordingly).
Review how to make a rubric—meets standards, does not meet, exceeds.
Remind students of importance of specific language.
Split class into groups according to each project, and instruct them to complete a rubric for their own project by the end of the class period.
While students work, conference with each group and assist as needed. During group work, sign up students for 1:1 conferences about their projects.

Share Out Students share out categories/descriptions for their rubrics.

Homework Complete a draft of your rubric. Type it/neatly rewrite it and turn it in Monday for a TEST GRADE of 50 Points! Remember to use my rubrics as a model text. And KEEP READING your companion text if you aren’t finished yet, you need to complete all your reading by Monday, Dec. 15th.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Urgent Reminder: Please bring companion texts to class tomorrow (Dec. 5th!)

Dear Parents, Students, and Families,Please bring your companion texts to class tomorrow. As a reminder, you will have a quiz on this material! If you miss class, you miss the quiz--- so make sure you are prepared. :)
Best,Ms. Smith

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


A Streetcar Named Desire

By Tennessee Williams

About the Author

Tennessee Williams is one of the foremost playwrights of the twentieth century. He won numerous awards and has created some of the most memorable characters in American theater. In an interview, Williams said, “I have always been more interested in creating a character that contains something crippled. I think nearly all of us have some kind of defect, anyway, and I suppose I have found it easier to identify with the characters who verge upon hysteria, who were frightened of life, who were desperate to reach out to another person.”

Written in 1947, A Streetcar Named Desire explores the themes of “desire, loneliness, and human fragility” (Andrews 628). The story is set in New Orleans, Louisiana in the month of May, sometime after WW II.


Tennessee William’s play A Streetcar Named Desire is set in New Orleans in the late 1940s. Blanche Dubois leaves her dismantled life in Mississippi to start over in New Orleans.
She arrives at her sister’s home, but quickly falls into conflict with her macho brother-in-law, Stanley. Their lives get tangled up as Blanche falls deeper into despair.
Blanche misuses alcohol to deal with her overwhelming problems. She is forced to deal with poverty, sexual assault, domestic abuse, and depression.


Essential Questions
In what ways does fantasy help and harm people trying to cope with reality?
How far should people go to show loyalty to people they love? To friends? To family?
What are the consequences of pursuing overwhelming desire?
Is “deliberate cruelty” the only unforgivable crime?
How do characters simultaneously represent and deconstruct the “American Dream”?
How do humans’ primal instincts both strengthen and destroy them?

Unit Goals
Answer the “Essential Questions” using examples from the text, both orally and in writing.
Respond to class texts in journals and analytical writing assignments.
Read a Young Adult Literature book that parallels the themes in A Streetcar Named Desire.
Complete a student-selected final creative project that explores one of the themes in Streetcar: deliberate cruelty, noble vs. primal instinct, desire, loneliness, illusion vs. reality, the decaying “American Dream”.
Unit Assessments
Maintain a notebook of reading reflections which demonstrate mastery of analytical writing, text interpretation, and understanding of literary devices used in the text.
Participation in class discussions and activities.
Various quizzes on vocabulary, reading comprehension, and text interpretation.
Complete a “Character Trait Poster” on one of the main characters in the play.
Write an R.A.F.T. Letter to a character from Streetcar.
An Alternative Book Report project which compares A Streetcar Named Desire to your Young Adult Fiction Companion Text.

Streetcar Companion Texts: Independent Reading Project
You can read any of the following Young Adult texts for independent reading. The goal of using Young Adult Fiction to supplement A Streetcar Named Desire is for you to read about similar experiences that happen to people your own age in a contemporary setting. You will be required to write a text comparison essay addressing both a Young Adult novel, and A Streetcar Named Desire.

Young Adult Selections:
Anderson, Laurie Halse. Speak. New York : Farrar Straus Giroux, 1999.
Cormier, Robert. Tenderness. New York : Delacorte Press, 2004
Dessen, Sarah. Dreamland. New York: Viking, 2000.
Flinn, Alexandra. Breathing Underwater. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 2001.
Plummer, Louise. A Dance for Three. New York : Delacorte Press, 2000.

Character Trait Poster Project
Choose one of the four main characters (Stella, Stanley, Blanche, or Mitch). Draw a picture or illustration of your character in the middle of a poster board. Then find and write the following neatly and attractively on the poster:
Two quotes that show the character’s personality(and page #’s)
Two quotes that show the character’s wants/desires/ambitions (and page #’s)
Two quotes that show relationships with other characters (and page #’s)
Two quotes that show the character’s appearance (and page #’s)
This project will be graded on appearance (attractiveness) and appropriateness of quotes in each category. See the project rubric for more info. Make your project unique!

R.A.F.T. Writing Assignment
One assignment that you will complete is a Role, Audience, Format and Topic (R.A.F.T.) writing task. In order to complete this activity, you will identify and read a selection from the text that deals with abuse. Next, you will write an advice letter to a character in the play. In this letter, you will state why you are writing the letter and why the character needs help. You must also explain how the character might go about getting help. Tone is especially important during the writing of this assignment!

Vocabulary Assignments
Vocab #1: appraise, cosmopolitan, decay, evoke, improvident, incongruous, lunacy, perpetual, peruse, preen, primitive, treachery, valise, vivacity, vulgar, illusion, allusion, blanche, courtesan.

Vocab #2: bestial, contemptible, coquettish, deluded, dote, emphatic, incredulous, morbid, peal, precede, quaint, row, serene, solemn, vicinity, wince.

Vocab #3: anxiety, callous, conceit, dismal, enrich, grotesque, implore, obscure, partial, protrude, repertoire, sinister, slander, sullen, transitory, uncouth.

Extra Credit Vocabulary (5 points per word!) : neurasthenic, contrapuntal[ly], sotto cove, bohemian. **NOTE** You cannot turn in extra credit if you have missing assignments. Make up missed work first!

Create a Soundtrack:
Create an 11- song “mix tape” (CD only, please!) of songs that retell the story of Streetcar. You may choose songs that tell the story from a specific character’s point of view. For each song, you must write a 1-paragraph explanation of why the song suits the scene and the character’s perspective in that scene. You must also design a CD jacket that is appropriate for the project.

Design a Graphic Novel:
Design and illustrate a comic book that tells the story of Streetcar. Your graphic novel must include a frame for at least six major scenes in the play. You must complete this in pen-and-ink, colored pencil, or marker (no messy graphite pencil drawings, and no crayons, please!). Each frame of your graphic novel must include a quotation from the text of Streetcar that is seminal to the scene.

Create a Character Journal:
Write at least four one-page journals (8.5” x 11” page, no more, no less), told from the point of view of a character in Streetcar. Describe the character’s feelings about the events that occur during the play. Because a diary is very personal, remember to include the character’s hopes, dreams, and fears. Your journals should be very creative, and include collage elements and artifacts from the characters’ lives (Such as scraps of clothing, faded flowers from Blanche’s dress, Stella’s receipt from the hospital, Stanley’s winning poker card, and so forth).

Rewrite the Ending of the Play:
Write a three-to-four page alternative ending for Streetcar. Remember to include sound, lighting, and music to make your movie dynamic. You will need to use proper script format and you will have to recruit a few friends from class to read aloud and act this out for us in class. Be creative—use costumes and props to entertain us! (Note: I can give you an example of proper script format. If you choose this project, you should have reliable computer and printer access at home because you will need to print the script).
NOTE: You can also write a “talk show”—but it must be more “Oprah” than “Jerry”. J

How you will be graded:
Create a rubric for the project = 50 points*
Conference with teacher = 30 points
Final Product = 100 points*
Class Presentation = 30 points*

*These assessments count as a test grade.


When we first meet Blanche DuBois, she has traveled to see her sister Stella. She took streetcars named Desire and Cemeteries to arrive at her sister’s apartment. What might these names represent?
What does Blanche do while she is waiting for Stella to come home?
What does Belle Reve mean? What does it refer to in the play?
Why does Blanche say that she has left her teaching job to visit Stella?
Why does Blanche say that she lost Belle Reve?
Near the end of Scene One, what do we learn about Blanche’s husband?
In Scene Two, Stanley finds out about the loss of Belle Reve. What is his reaction?
What does Stanley think that Blanche has done with the money he believes she made from selling Belle Reve?
What does Stanley tell Blanche about Stella as they are going through her business papers?
Where are Stella and Blanche going while the men play poker?
When Blanche and Stella return to the apartment, the men are still there playing poker. Which one does Stella introduce to Blanche? What does Blanche say about him?
Blanche goes to the back room, a bedroom, to relax until the men finish playing. She turns on the radio. Stanley asks her to turn it off, but when she doesn’t, what does Stanley do?
Why does Blanche lie to Mitch about being younger than Stella? Why doesn’t she like bright lights?
What happens between Stella and Stanley that ends the poker game?
How did Stella say she reacted to Stanley’s breaking all the light bulbs on their wedding night?
What idea does Blanche have to escape New Orleans with Stella?
When Blanche and Stella are discussing Stanley, what does he hear Blanche say about him?
In Scene Five, Blanche discusses astrological signs. What sign does she think Stanley was born under and why? What sign does she say she was born under? What does it mean?
Seemingly out of the blue, Stanley asks Blanche if she knows someone named Shaw. What is Blanche’s response?
Who is coming over to see Blanche on this night?
After Stella and Stanley leave, a young man comes to the door collecting money for the local newspaper, The Evening Star. What does Blanche do when he arrives?
Blanche and Mitch discuss Stanley. She asks him if Stanley talks much about her and explains how horrid he is making her life there with them. What does Mitch respond?
At the end of Scene Six, Blanche is confiding in Mitch by telling him the story of how her husband died. How did he die? What events led to his death?
Stanley lets Stella know that he has learned some things about Blanche. What things?
During their talk, Blanche is in the tub and singing. What does she sing about?
Who is supposed to come over for Blanche’s birthday? Why does Stanley say this person won’t be coming?
What has Stanley bought for Blanche?
Stanley gets angry at Stella for telling him his face and fingers are disgustingly greasy. What does he do in response?
What happens at the end of Scene Eight?
In Scene Nine, who stops by unexpectedly to see Blanche?
Blanche makes a very telling statement about reality. What does she say?
What does Blanche admit happened after her husband’s death? Why did she say she did this?
Why does Mitch say he won’t marry Blanche now?
Who does Blanche tell Stanley she heard from? What invitation does she say he extended?
Blanche tells Stanley that Mitch came to see her that night. What does she tell him the reason was?
What happens at the end of Scene Ten?
37. Several weeks have passed and Stella is packing Blanche’s things. Where does Blanche think she is going? Where is she actually going?
Recommended Young Adult Literature Selections:

You will select one of the Young Adult Literature books described below and read it as your Independent Reading Book / companion text for our unit on Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire. If you know of another book you would like to read, bring it to class and get my approval in writing, in advance. I am open to your suggestions! J

A Dance for Three by Louise Plummer: "Milo wasn't the first boy to kiss me but he was the first one to bite me." He's also the first boy to slug her when she tells him she's going to have his baby. Hannah Ziebarth, 15, had felt loved by rich, good-looking Milo and his cool, elegant family, and as she leans on the dumpster in the alley bleeding on her dowdy Burger Bar uniform, she is in shocked denial. The pregnancy is only one of Hannah's troubles. Her beloved father has died suddenly from a freak accident, and her mother has retreated into agoraphobia; Hannah must care for her feeble and self-absorbed Mama just when she needs mothering herself. When she hides in Milo's car and overhears him having sex with his old girlfriend, her world finally collapses. A psychotic break lands her in a mental hospital for juveniles, and she begins the long step-by-step process of putting the pieces of her life back together with the help of a compassionate young therapist.

Breathing Underwater by Alex Flinn: It was only a slap. Well, maybe more than one. And maybe Nick used his fist at the end when the anger got out of control. But his girlfriend Caitlin deserved it--hadn't she defied him by singing in the school talent show when he had forbidden her to display herself like that? Even though he'd told her that everybody would laugh at her because she couldn't sing and was a fat slob? Both were lies. Because Caitlin was so beautiful, the only person who understood him. Out of his desperate need for her came all the mean words and the hitting. But now Caitlin's family has procured a restraining order to keep Nick away, and the judge has sentenced him to Mario Ortega's Family Violence class, to sit around every week with six other angry guys who hit their girlfriends. And to write a journal explaining how he got into this mess.

Dreamland by Sarah Dessen: Strange, sleepy Rogerson, with his long brown dreads and brilliant green eyes, had seemed to Caitlin to be an open door. With him she could be anybody, not just the second-rate shadow of her older sister, Cass. But now she is drowning in the vacuum Cass left behind when she turned her back on her family's expectations by running off with a boyfriend. Caitlin wanders in a dream land of drugs and a nightmare of Rogerson's sudden fists, lost in her search for herself.

Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson: Since the beginning of the school year, high school freshman Melinda has found that it's been getting harder and harder for her to speak out loud: "My throat is always sore, my lips raw.... Every time I try to talk to my parents or a teacher, I sputter or freeze.... It's like I have some kind of spastic laryngitis." What could have caused Melinda to suddenly fall mute? Could it be due to the fact that no one at school is speaking to her because she called the cops and got everyone busted at the seniors' big end-of-summer party? Or maybe it's because her parents' only form of communication is Post-It notes written on their way out the door to their nine-to-whenever jobs. While Melinda is bothered by these things, deep down she knows the real reason why she's been struck mute...

Tenderness by Robert Cormier: A psychological thriller told from the points of view of a teenage serial killer and the runaway girl who falls in love with him.

Text Comparison Essay Rubric
Teacher Name: Ms. Smith Student Name: ____________________________TOTAL POINTS: ______

Evidence Paragraphs
Evidence Paragraphs and quotes selected clearly related to and supportive of thesis.
Both evidence paragraphs and quotes clearly support thesis. One paragraph has minor weaknesses or is incomplete.
One of the evidence paragraphs/ quotes support thesis. One or more paragraphs have minor weaknesses or are incomplete.
An attempt has been made to add support information, but it was unrelated or confusing.
Response is off-topic, illegible, blank or incoherent.
Text Evidence
Text evidence consists of specific, developed details and direct quotes from both texts.
Text evidence consists of some specific details, but no direct quotes, or only quotes one text.
Text evidence consists of general and/or undeveloped details; uses examples instead of quotes from texts.
Elaboration is sparse; almost no details, no quotes from texts.
Elaboration is almost nonexistent, missing, partial, or illogical.
Thesis Statement
Thesis statement is clear, insightful, accurately relates to both texts, and can be proven with text evidence.
Thesis statement is sound, accurately relates to both texts, and can be proven with text evidence.
Thesis attempts to relate to both texts, but reflects a flawed interpretation and/or cannot be proven with text evidence.
Thesis relates to only one text, and/or cannot be proven with text evidence.
Thesis statement is missing, off-topic or incoherent. Or, no thesis statement exists.
Exhibits expert control of conventions writing task: including use of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
Exhibits control of grammatical conventions appropriate to the writing task; including use of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
Exhibits some control of conventions including use of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling; errors do not hinder comprehension.
Exhibits emerging control of conventions appropriate to the writing task: but some errors hinder comprehension.
Exhibits little control of conventions, is incoherent, illegible, or unreadable.
Information is very organized with well-constructed paragraphs and subheadings. Contains a well-crafted introduction and conclusion, and at least two evidence paragraphs.
Information is organized with well-constructed paragraphs. Contains an introduction and conclusion, and at least two evidence paragraphs.
Information is organized, but paragraphs are not well-constructed. Contains an introduction and conclusion, and at least two evidence paragraphs.
An attempt was made at organization but disorganization hinders comprehension. May not contain required paragraphs.
Shows little or no organization. Writer rambles, include irrelevancies; work is messy or illegible. Work may also be incomplete.
Reader Response
The essay is engaging, interesting to read and takes a definitive stance on both texts that gives the reader a precise sense of both texts and the reader's response to the each.
The essay is interesting to read and takes a definitive stance on both texts that gives the reader a sense of the reader's response to the both texts.
The essay is somewhat interesting, but the reader's response seems detached or disinterested. The essay does not reflect a response to both texts.
The essay relies on plot summary, repeating details; does not give insight into the reader's response to both texts.
The essay contains scant or no detail about either text, and makes no attempt to connect to text.
Text Comparison Essay:
A Streetcar Named Desire

All Essays MUST Meet the Following Requirements:

1) All essays are a minimum of four paragraphs: an introduction, two evidence paragraphs (which must include at least one quotation from each text), and a conclusion. Remember—there is a seven- sentence minimum per paragraph.

2) You must use formal, academic language.

3) Your essay must be typed in 12 point Arial or Times New Roman Font, and it must be double-spaced. If you do not double space, your essay will be returned to you and you will accrue late penalties until it is resubmitted.

4) Appropriate Themes: Fantasy vs. Reality; Cruelty; Primitive/Primal instinct; Desire; Loneliness; Violence and Passion. See me if you have other ideas and I will accommodate you if you can justify it via the text.

· Theme essay: Select a concept or theme from your themes shared by your companion text and A Streetcar Named Desire. Explain how the characters’ actions, plot, setting, and style reinforce this theme throughout both texts. You may also refer to other literary elements such as symbolism, metaphor, tone, and motif.
This essay is worth 100 points !!!!

Main Themes

Fantasy/Illusion: Blanche dwells in illusion; fantasy is her primary means of self-defense. Her deceits do not carry any trace of malice; rather, they come from her weakness and inability to confront the truth head-on. She tells things not as they are, but as they ought to be. For her, fantasy has a liberating magic that protects her from the tragedies she has had to endure. Unfortunately, this defense is frail and will be shattered by Stanley. In the end, Stanley and Stella will also resort to a kind of illusion: Stella will force herself to believe that Blanche's accusations against Stanley are false.

The Old South and the New South: Stella and Blanche come from a world that is rapidly dying. Belle Reve, their family's ancestral plantation, has been lost. The two sisters, symbolically, are the last living members of their family. Stella will mingle her blood with a man of blue-collar stock, and Blanche will enter the world of madness. Stanley represents the new order of the South: chivalry is dead, replaced by a "rat race," to which Stanley makes several proud illusions.

Cruelty: The only unforgivable crime, according to Blanche, is deliberate cruelty. This sin is Stanley's specialty. His final assault against Blanche is a merciless attack against an already-beaten foe. On the other hand, though Blanche is dishonest, she never lies out of malice. Her cruelty is unintentional; often, she lies in a vain effort to please. Throughout Streetcar, we see the full range of cruelty, from Blanche's well-intentioned deceits to Stella self-deceiving treachery to Stanley's deliberate and unchecked malice. In Williams' plays, there are many ways to hurt someone. And some are worse than others.

The Primitive and the Primal: Blanche often speaks of Stanley as ape-like and primitive. Stanley represents a very unrefined manhood, a romantic idea of man untouched by civilization and its effeminizing influences. His appeal is clear: Stella cannot resist him, and even Blanche, though repulsed, is on some level drawn to him. Stanley's unrefined nature also includes a terrifying amorality. The service of his desire is central to who he is; he has no qualms about driving his sister-in-law to madness, or raping her.

Desire: Closely related to the theme above, desire is the central theme of the play. Blanche seeks to deny it, although we learn later in the play that desire is one of her driving motivations; her desires have caused her to be driven out of town. Desire, and not intellectual or spiritual intimacy, is the heart of Stella's and Stanley's relationship. Desire is Blanche's undoing, because she cannot find a healthy way of dealing with it: she is always either trying to suppress it or pursuing it with abandon.

Loneliness: The companion theme to desire; between these two extremes, Blanche is lost. She desperately seeks companionship and protection in the arms of strangers. And she has never recovered from her tragic and consuming love for her first husband. Blanche is in need of a defender. But in New Orleans, she will find instead the predatory and merciless Stanley.

Study Packet: Arthur Miller's THE CRUCIBLE

Courage, Heroism and Goodness:
Interpreting The Crucible

Dear Students,
This study packet is a valuable resource for you and contains the majority of the homework assignments for this entire unit. You MUST keep this in your binder. This packet will explain what we are doing in this unit, what to expect, and provide you with due dates whenever possible. Please DO NOT LOSE this packet.

Ms. Smith

Essential Questions
What makes a person a hero?
What does intolerance cost a democratic society, and what is the result of tolerating “too much”?
How much influence should religion exert in a democratic, pluralistic, and multiethnic society?
How does literature reflect American society’s ongoing struggle to live up to the ideals of democracy?
What constitutes true courage?
How do both art and hysteria influence society’s perception of justice, heroism, courage and intolerance?

Unit Goals
Describe and explain the evolving nature of heroism and courage.
Answer the “Essential Questions” using examples from the text, both orally and in writing.
Define a tragedy, plot, rising action, irony, theme, characterization, motif, symbolism, and other literary devices using examples from the text.
Identify tragic hero, tragic flaw, antihero, antagonist, protagonist.
Identify and explain character motivation and dramatic structure (plot, rising action, climax, resolution).
Respond to class texts in journals and analytical writing assignments.
Complete a “critical lens” essay which analyzes “Half-Hanged Mary” and The Crucible through a quotation on themes shared by these texts.

Unit Assessments
Maintain a journal of reading reflections which demonstrate mastery of analytical writing, text interpretation, and understanding of literary devices used in the text.
Participation in class discussions and activities.
Planning, composing, editing, and publishing an analytical essay exploring themes in the class texts through a quotation used as a “critical lens”.
Various quizzes on vocabulary, reading comprehension, and text interpretation.

Reading Assignments
A note on the reading assignments—because we are not all using the same edition of the play, I have divided most of the reading assignments by “French Scenes”, i.e., the entrance or exit of a major character. I included the page numbers in my book, but if your page numbers differ you are still responsible for reading the assigned passages. See me if you have questions.

Reading #1: “A Note on the Historical Accuracy of This Play”, and Act One, up to Ann Putnam’s entrance (p. 12).

Reading #2: “Enter Mrs. Ann Putnam” through “I say shut it, Mary Warren!” (p. 20)

Reading #3: “Enter John Proctor”, through “Enter Reverend John Hale of Beverly” (p. 32).

Reading #4: “Enter Reverend John Hale of Beverly” through “The Curtain Falls” (p. 48).

Reading #5: Beginning of Act II, through Reverend Hale’s entrance into the Proctor home, (p. 62).

Reading #6: Reverend Hale’s entrance through the end of Act II (p. 81).

Reading #7: Appendix to Act II, Scene 2, entire scene. (p. 148-152) AND the beginning of Act III, through “Giles Cory makes a rush for Putnam…” (p. 98).

Reading #8: Giles’ Cory’s attack on Putnam, through Elizabeth’s entrance, “Come here, woman” (p. 112).

Reading #9: Elizabeth’s entrance, through the end of Act III (p. 120).

Reading #10: Beginning of Act IV, through John Proctor’s entrance (p. 133).

Reading #11: John Proctor’s entrance, through the end of the play, AND “Echoes Down the Corridor” (p. 146).

Reading #12: “Half-Hanged Mary” by Margaret Atwood. Read the entire poem.

For each reading assignment, you will be assigned comprehension questions, as well as a reading response journal entry. These will be collected as homework, and you should keep completed assignments in your binder for your use when writing your paper.

Reading Response Journal Questions
Directions: All journal entries must discuss the relationship between the personal examples you provide and examples provided in The Crucible. If you choose not to relate your journal to The Crucible, you will not receive credit for your journal entry. All journal entries must be written in complete sentences, follow the standards of academic English, and must be at least 7 sentences long.
Act I
You thought you might be in trouble and you lied to avoid it.
Rumors were flying . . . did someone try to dispel them?
Your emotions prevented you from making a wise choice.
You found yourself "in over your head" because of a poor choice you made.

Act II
You or someone you know was judged unfairly.
You asked to be forgiven for a wrong you'd done but weren't.
Jealously (your own or someone else's) caused a problem for you.
Honesty (yours or someone else's) played a role in a conflict in your life.
Your emotions in a particular situation clouded your judgment.

You (or someone you observed) was on a "power trip."
You were frustrated by the blatant lies someone was telling and everyone was believing.
You sacrificed a principle that is important to you for a person that is important to you.
You (or someone you know) was asked to "name names" or implicate others in a problematic situation.

Act IV
You pretended to be something or someone you are not.
You became totally disillusioned with someone or something that you believed in..
You were afraid to admit you were wrong.
You gave up something or someone important to you for a principle.
Think of what you mean when you use the words “honor,” “truth,” “justice,” or “courage.” Choose one character that exemplifies your idea of one of these ideals and explain how he/she lives up to your standards (or do the reverse: fails to live up to your standards).

“Half-Hanged Mary”—Journal #1
What does the poet’s point of view have in common with The Crucible?
How does the perspective of the poem’s narrator inform your understanding of the events that led to the Salem Witch Trials?

“Half-Hanged Mary”—Journal #2
Pick other historical or contemporary women whose lives parallel the women of Salem. Write a monologue or poem that gives the women who suffer injustice a voice. (Note: this may require some research on your part—be prepared to share this in small groups in class).

Reading Comprehension Questions

Directions: Write out your answers to the following questions in complete sentences. You must use text evidence (an example that you explain or a direct quote from the play) in your response.

Act I
Why do you think Rev. Parris has so many enemies?
After Parris begins to believe his daughter to be afflicted by witchcraft, what is Thomas Putnam’s advice to him?
What truths come out when the adults leave the girls alone?
Who is the leader of the girls? How would you describe Mary Warren in relation to the other girls?
What’s going on between Abigail and John Proctor?
Why does Betty start screaming?
Why are some people, including John Proctor, inclined to stay away from Sabbath meeting?
Why does Hale believe the Devil would strike Rev. Parris’s house?
Though Rev. Hale is trying to get Tituba to name her accomplices, who is the first person to actually mention names?
Why isn’t it difficult for Ann Putnam to believe that Goody Osburn is a witch?
What are the “symptoms” of witchcraft that indicate the Devil is hard at work in Salem?
Why has Goody Proctor turned Abigail out of the Proctor household? How does this act backfire?
What is the effect of Tituba’s “confession” on Mrs. Putnam, Betty, and Abigail at the end of Act I?

Act II
What is the primary center of tension in the encounter between John Proctor and Mary Warren?
What “symptoms” can be added to the Act I list of “evidence” that the Devil has invaded Salem?
What do you know about the relationship between John and Elizabeth Proctor from the stage action and opening dialogue of Act II?
Describe the power Abigail has in the court room.
What’s going on between the Proctors on pages 52-53 (________)?
Though Mary Warren cannot say who accused Elizabeth Proctor, who do you believe accused her and why?
Ironically, which commandment can John not remember?
John Proctor seems to be the only voice of reason in the confusing end of Act II. What are some examples to support this idea?
Why is Mary Warren afraid of telling the truth about Abigail, for herself and for John?
At the end of Act II, what is your impression of Elizabeth Proctor? What is her relationship with her husband like?
Describe how Miller builds up tension in Act II? What are the series of events leading to the dramatic climax? How does he use figurative language to increase this tension?

What is Danforth’s role in the court proceedings?
Over and over, Danforth says that the good have nothing to fear. What evidence can you give to show that the opposite is true?
Danforth gives the premise for judging a witch. Summarize his guidelines.
How would you describe the encounter between Danforth and Abigail? Who “wins” this confrontation, and why?
Mary Warren's testimony is destroyed in the end because she cannot do something. What? How does she explain the problem?
Finally, Proctor admits that he and Abigail have been lovers. This truth could be the end of Abigail’s control. Why isn’t it?
What is the importance of John Proctor’s last speech (in Act III)?
What is Hale’s point of view on John Proctor at the end of Act III?
Explain why the end of Act III is the “turning point” in the play. What techniques does Miller use to achieve such heightened drama at the end of Act III?

Act IV
What has happened in Andover that has Parris so agitated? What has contributed to his softening attitude?
What is Hale’s mission in Act IV?
Parris tells Danforth, “You cannot hang this sort”. What does he mean?
Why won’t Danforth pardon the prisoners?
What does John Proctor refuse to do, because he wants his sons to “walk like men in the world”?
Do you think Elizabeth Proctor would confess if she were in her husband’s place? Explain.
In the end, what is it that is of utmost importance to John Proctor?
What does Elizabeth mean when she calls out, “He have his goodness now. God forbid I take it from him!”

Vocabulary Assignments
Directions: For all vocabulary assignments you must copy down the word, underline it, and write out the definition of the word. Vocabulary assignments may not be typed.

Vocab #1: savor, dogmatically, indigenous[ly], orthodox, heretic, inert, sect, innate, parochial, predeliction, ingratiating, junta, autocratic, paradox, dissembling, conjure, vindictive, propriety, diametrically.

Vocab #2: , defamation, malign, fiend, quaking, deference, vindictive, abyss, iniquity, malevolence, contempt, prosecutor, deposition, plaintiff, guile, reprieve, indictment, conspiracy, purged, penitence, corroborating.

Vocab #3: formidable, trepidation, hypocrisy, partisan, prodigious, defamation, bemused, malign, methodical, abrogation, resurgence, wily, malevolence, exaltation, prudent, licentious, ecstatic, pallor, ameliorate, indignant.

Vocab #4: begrudge, base, calamity, blasphemy, contentious, contempt, effrontery, reproach, confounded, placidly, sublime, augur, gaunt, adamant, beguile, conciliatory, incredulously, rescinded.

NOTE: All these vocabulary words consistently appear on the SAT!

Courage, Heroism and Goodness:
Interpreting The Crucible
and “Half-Hanged Mary”

Analytical Writing Assignment

Write a three to four page essay in which you discuss The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, and “Half-Hanged Mary” by Margaret Atwood, from the particular perspective of the statement that is provided for you in the quotation you choose.

In your essay, provide a valid interpretation of the quote, agree or disagree with the quote as you interpret it, and support your opinion using at least three specific references from each text.

• Provide a valid interpretation of the quote that clearly establishes how you analyzed it.
• Indicate whether you agree or disagree with the quote as you interpret it.
• Use examples from the texts to support your opinion about the quote.
• Do not summarize the plot.
• Use specific references to appropriate literary elements (for example, theme, characterization, language, point of view) to analyze the quote and make your point.
•Follow the conventions of standard written English including spelling, capitalization, grammar, punctuation, and citation of quotes from the play and the poem.

How You Will Be Graded
You will be graded on your class work, and need to turn in the following documents to satisfy the requirements for this assignment:

Rough Draft (30 points)
Thesis paragraph draft (30 points)
Introduction draft & rewrite (30 points)
Conclusion draft and rewrite (30 points)
Peer Editing Checklist (30 points)
Final essay, typed and double-spaced using either 12 point Arial or 12 point Times New Roman, minimum of three entire pages. (100 points)

Your essay will be assessed based on the rubric used for the New York State Regents Examination (see following page).

Monday, December 1, 2008

Homework Dec. 1-5th

Lesson Plan: Monday. Dec. 1

AIM In what ways does fantasy help and harm people trying to cope with reality?
Do Now
1) Describe a (school appropriate) time when you or someone you know did not want to face reality. What did you do to “get away”?

2) Is there any such thing as “harmless fantasy”? Is it better to face reality or is it all right to view the world the way you want to see it?

Class Work & Discussion1) Assign Roles: Stella, Blanche, Eunice, Steve, Young Man, Narrator (to read stage directions)
2) Read scene 5 aloud and discuss questions 18-21 in class.
3) If time allows, watch film and compare/contrast reading with film.

Group Work:
Break class into groups to answer scene five questions, then share out (if time allows).

HomeworkRead A Streetcar Named Desire scene six, questions 18-23. You should be reading your companion text as well; by Friday, Dec. 5th you should be about halfway through your companion text.

Lesson Plan: Tuesday, Dec. 2

AIM -- Is Blanche correct in stating that “deliberate cruelty” the only unforgivable crime?

Do Now-- Homework on desk for notebook check.

During Do Now: Find an example of “deliberate cruelty” in the play. Why do you think this act is cruel? What does it reveal about the character?

NOTE: Ask two students to write their answers to HW questions on the board.

Class Work & Discussion1) Watch scene 6 on DVD.
2) Discuss “Do Now” examples of cruelty.
3) Debate Blanche’s husband’s death—what was her culpability in his demise?
4) Debate AIM

Reflection: Answer the Aim!
Homework: Read A Streetcar Named Desire, Scene 7. Complete questions 24- 26. You should be reading your companion text as well; by Friday, Dec. 5th you should be about halfway through your companion text.

Lesson Plan:
Wed. December 3

AIMHow far should people go to show loyalty to people they love? To friends? To family?

Do NowDescribe a time that you found out a good friend or relative was dishonest with you about their past. How did you feel when you learned the truth? Did your relationship change, and how?
Describe a time you found out a secret about a person you did not like. What did you do with that information? Are you happy about the way you handled the situation?

Share “Do Now”

Class Work & Discussion1) Watch Scene 7 of Streetcar. (Or read aloud—student choice!)
2) Discuss in class questions 24-26.
2) Class debate: What should Stella do about what Stanley knows.

Read Scene 8 from A Streetcar Named Desire. You should be reading your companion text as well; by Friday, Dec. 5th you should be about halfway through your companion text.

AIMWhy does Mitch come to see Blanche one last time?

Do Now
· Notebook check questions 27-29.
· Class Meeting: Companion Text for Streetcar
· During Notebook check, assign each row a question 30-33 as a quiz grade. Complete your assigned question (30-33) and prepare to share your answer with the class.

Class Work & Discussion:
· Ask student to summarize scene 8.
· Class review of HW questions 27-29:
1. What has Stanley bought for Blanche?
2. Stanley gets angry at Stella for telling him his face and fingers are disgustingly greasy. What does he do in response?
3. What happens at the end of Scene Eight?
· Watch video of Scene 9.
· Discuss/Write answers to questions 30-33
1. In Scene Nine, who stops by unexpectedly to see Blanche?
2. Blanche makes a very telling statement about reality. What does she say?
3. What does Blanche admit happened after her husband’s death? Why did she say she did this?
4. Why does Mitch say he won’t marry Blanche now?
· As a class, discuss the AIM. What is Mitch’s objective in this scene?
ReflectionAnswer the aim in a well-written paragraph using at least one quotation from the text.
Read scenes 9 and 10 from A Streetcar Named Desire; complete questions 34-36.
As a reminder: Scene 10 contains a violent act that is very disturbing. Please be prepared for this, and if you are upset by this scene, see me after class and I will make arrangements for you to work in another classroom tomorrow, no questions asked. J
You should be reading your companion text as well; by Friday, Dec. 5th you should be about halfway through your companion text.

AIMHow do humans’ primal behaviors both strengthen and destroy them?

Do Now
· Notebook check questions 34-36.
· Put Book Report #3 in HW Basket.
· During NB Check: Quickwrite-- What is a “primal instinct”? Can people be expected to resist their primal instincts?

Class Meeting:
· Class Meeting: Respecting peers during discussion of violence in Streetcar.
· Choose a Companion text for Streetcar by Friday, Nov. 30th and bring it to class for 50 points.
· Share “Do Now”

Class Work & Discussion:
· Ask student to summarize scene 10.
· Watch Scene 10 on film, compare/contrast to the book.

Discussion Questions:
· Who does Blanche tell Stanley she heard from? What invitation does she say he extended?
· Blanche tells Stanley that Mitch came to see her that night. What does she tell him the reason was?
· What happens at the end of Scene Ten?
· As a class, discuss the AIM and debate it using examples from the text.
ReflectionAnswer the AIM in a well-written paragraph.

HomeworkRead scene 11, complete question #37. Get caught up with your reading over the weekend!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

MORE Companion Texts for A Streetcar Named Desire

Hello, Again-- 
Here are more suggestions for companion texts, based on books students read last year in my class.  I cannot vouch for these books, because I have not read all of them.  However, they may provide a starting point for you if you are kind of "lost". 

The First Part Last (Angela Johnson)
Cut (Patricia McCormick)
Shattering Glass (Gail Giles)
Tears of a Tiger (Sharon M. Draper)
You Don't Know Me (David Klass)
The Rules of Survival (Nancy Werlin)
Thirteen Reasons Why (Jay Asher)
Dicey's Song (Cynthia Voigt)
The Color Purple (Alice Walker)

Good luck!
Ms. Smith

Companion Texts for A Streetcar Named Desire

For those students who are having trouble finding a companion text for A Streetcar Named Desire, here are a few more suggestions for you:
1) Try the New York Public Library website.
2) Look up the suggested books on  When you look up a book, Amazon's marketing gnomes will direct you to books with similar themes or intended audience.  You can make a list of these books, then go to your local library and check them out.  Remember: you DO NOT have to buy the book. Save your money and buy your mother a nice holiday gift! :)
3) There are a limited number of copies of the book Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson, that I *may* be able to borrow from the English book room on your behalf.  This is a first-come, first-served offer.  Email me at and I will give them out until we exhaust our supply of copies. 
4) Go ask Ms. O'Hara, the HSES Librarian, for help. Librarians, like, LIVE for this kind of thing. They LOVE books. They love helping teenagers find books.  She knows about this project and will help you out!
***If you forgot your companion text on Wed. Nov. 26th, you can still bring it to class on Monday, Dec. 1st and receive 75 points! This is waaaaay better than getting a zero, yeah?! 
Now, go read already!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Ms. Smith

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Regents Prep #5B (Period 7 *ONLY*)

This assignment only pertains to my 7th period class:
If you are going to be absent on Nov. 26th (the day before Thanksgiving) here is a link to the Regents Prep Assignment. It is page 5-12 of the pdf. Make sure you complete it (essay AND multiple choice) and bring it to class on Monday, Dec. 1st. After that it will be considered late.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Ms. Smith


Happy Thanksgiving!

REVISED HW Email- Nov. 24-26th

Dear Students,
Due to my absence on Thursday Nov. 20 and Friday, Nov. 21 there are a few changes to class instruction; however, all homework from Nov. 20-25th remains the same. Refer to your HW calendar to stay on top of your assignments. However, you *now* have a Regents Prep Assignment over Thanksgiving Break! :)

Lesson Plan, Monday, Nov. 24th
AIM: Why is it important to understand how the regents exams are grades?

Do Now: Review the rubric for Regents Task 3.

Class Activities: Trade-n-grade

Step 1: Read your partner’s essay
Step 2: Score the essay according to the rubric. Circle the score in each category on the rubric page.
Step 3: Use the Regents Prep Peer Edit sheet to write a brief, 1-2 sentence explanation for why you gave the partner that score. You must write complete sentences.
Step 4: Make sure your name is on the peer edit sheet. Staple it to the essay and rubric, and turn it in.

HW: Read scene 4 from Streetcar, and complete Vocabulary #2.

Class Lesson Plan: Tuesday, Nov. 24 (Combined with Friday, Nov. 21st)
Note: we will cover discussion topics for both Nov. 21 and Nov. 24th in class on Nov. 25th.

AIMHow can we compare and contrast Stanley and Blanche?

Do Now1) Homework on desk for notebook check.
2) Choose either Stanley or Blanche, and find at least two statements they make in the text that kind of “sum up” their personalities. (Note: you can use information from the stage directions, too!)

Share out “Do Now”

Class Work & Discussion
Ask a student to summarize last night’s reading.
Review questions 7-10 as a class.
Read aloud the description of Stanley on p. 29. What does this tell us about him?
Read aloud pages 37-44; ask students to take notes on the dynamics, conflict, and similarities between Blanche and Stanley.

Group WorkBreak students in to groups to answer the AIM.

AIM: To whom do you owe the most loyalty: your friends, your family, or your spouse?
Do Now Turn to scene three in your book. We need actors!
Class Work & Discussion1) Read aloud/view on DVD scene three from Streetcar.
2) Ask students to read aloud/view the scene.
3) Shared inquiry discussion—review rules of “Shared Inquiry”.
4) Students quickwrite an answer for the AIM.
5) Give students 5 minutes to find an example from the text that proves their response to the AIM.
6) Shared inquiry discussion in class. Prompt students with additional questions-- Did Stella do the right thing by returning to Stanley? Was Stanley’s outburst justified? Is Blanche overstepping bounds as a guest in the house? What would you do if you were Blanche? What do you think of this Mitch guy?

HomeworkRead scene 4. Vocabulary #2. As a reminder—the marking period ends Wednesday, Nov. 26. If you owe me work from this marking period or the last one, turn it in. I will not be giving extra credit—just do the work. Remember! Choose a Companion text for Streetcar by Wed, Nov. 26th and bring it to class for 50 points.


Lesson Plan: Wednesday, Nov. 26th

AIM How can we describe the relationship between Stella and Stanley?

Do Now 1) Homework on desk for notebook check.

Do Next: 1) Turn to scene four in your book. We need actors!
Class Work & Discussion1) Read aloud/view DVD scene four from Streetcar.
2) Ask students to read aloud/view the scene (p. 62-73).
3) Briefly review questions 15-17 in class.
3) Students quickwrite an answer for the AIM.
5) Give students 5 minutes to find an example from the text that proves their response to the AIM.
6) Shared inquiry discussion in class—10-15 minutes to debate.

Reflection: Review Regents Prep #6 (LaCrosse)
1) Regents Prep #6, Task 2, Reading and Writing for Understanding. Due Monday, 12/1/ 08.
2) Begin reading your companion text over break!
3) Have a great Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 17, 2008

HW Nov 18-21

Lesson Plan—Tuesday, Nov. 18th

AIM: What is A Streetcar Named Desire and where am I taking it?

Do Now:
1) Homework in the basket on my desk.
2) Pick up a copy of the “Study Packet” for Streetcar.
3) Class meeting re: A Streetcar Named Desire.
In order to make connections between the play and their own lives, students will analyze additional texts.
Completing many small assignments will help students contextualize the material.

Share Out: Ask students to write down any questions they have about the unit, collect them and review them. Answer questions at the end of class.

Class Discussion and Activities:
1) Break students into groups and give them 10 minutes to discuss the “Anticipation Guide”. They must come to consensus on their question and report back to class.
2) In groups, students read and analyze Elizabeth Barret Browning’s poem “How do I Love Thee? Let me count the ways…” and assign the other half of students to read “Behind the Wall” by Tracy Chapman.
3) As a class, regroup to discuss the poems.

Have students brainstorm the concept of social realism. Ask the students the following questions:
a) What is ‘social realism’? Break down the two words. What does each word mean separately and then together?
b) Ask the students how Chapman’s song is a form of social realism.
c) Ask students what issues face teenagers today? What are teenager’s problems? Brainstorm issues on the blackboard. Ask them where they have seen these issues in literature.

Reflection: Answer the AIM

HW: Vocab 1, Read Scene 1 from Streetcar. Complete questions 1-6. Remember! Choose a Companion text for Streetcar by Friday, Nov. 26th and bring it to class for 50 points.
Lesson Plan: Wednesday, Nov. 19th

AIMWho are these people and what are they doing in New Orleans in a run-down flat?
Do Now1) Homework on desk for notebook check.
2) Make a list of all the characters in Scene 1.

Class Work & Discussion
Discuss last night’s reading.
Watch the video of Streetcar.
Ask if students had trouble understanding what was going on in the scene. If so, review questions 1-6 in class after read-aloud.
Ask students to list the characters in the scene.
Read aloud pages 18-27; ask students to describe the relationship between Stella and Blanche.

Group WorkBreak students in to groups to explain who each character is/what their motivation is. Ask them to make predictions about possible conflicts between these characters based on what they have read so far.
Share Out Students share out group work.

HomeworkRead Scene 2 of Streetcar and complete reading comprehension questions 7-10. Please return your copy of The Crucible if you have not done so already. Remember! Choose a Companion text for Streetcar by Friday, Nov. 26th and bring it to class for 50 points.

Lesson Plan: Thursday, Nov. 20th

By taking a regents’ exam, SWBAT demonstrate level of proficiency for regents task.

AIMWhy is it important to assess our knowledge?
Do NowClear your desk except for a pen and 1 page paper.
Class Work & DiscussionPass out exams, review directions.

HW: Read Scene 3 from A Streetcar Named DesireLesson Plan: Friday, Nov. 21st.

AIMHow can we compare and contrast Stanley and Blanche?

Do Now1) Homework on desk for notebook check.
2) Choose either Stanley or Blanche, and find at least two statements they make in the text that kind of “sum up” their personalities. (Note: you can use information from the stage directions, too!)

Share out “Do Now”

Class Work & Discussion
Ask a student to summarize last night’s reading.
Review questions 7-10 as a class.
Read aloud the description of Stanley on p. 29. What does this tell us about him?
Read aloud pages 37-44; ask students to take notes on the dynamics, conflict, and similarities between Blanche and Stanley.

Group WorkBreak students in to groups to answer the AIM.
Share Out Students share out group work.
HomeworkNone! Enjoy your weekend. Remember to pick out your companion text for A Streetcar Named Desire. Bring it to class by Nov. 26 for 50 points extra credit!

Purchase a copy of A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE (by Tennessee Williams)

If you need EXTRA CREDIT here's a great way to help yourself and help HSES as well.
We are running just a little short of copies of the next class text, a play by Tennessee Williams called A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE.
If you buy a copy of it, I will give you 100 points extra credit!
You need to bring it to class by Nov. 18th -- we start reading the play tomorrow! :)
I want to emphasize this is OPTIONAL extra credit-- not mandatory.
Ms. Smith

Homework Nov. 5-17

Lesson Plan: Monday, Nov. 3rd

AIMHow do I determine the relevance of evidence from THE CRUCIBLE to prove my thesis?
Do Now1) Sign up to see me today if you are struggling with your interpretation of the critical lens.
2) See me if you were absent Friday!
3) Brainstorm a list of three to five examples from the texts that you could use to prove your interpretation and stance of the critical lens is correct.
Class Discussion
1) Briefly review the rubric for this assignment.

2) Discuss how to weigh and choose text evidence, share strategies with the class.
The first example is not necessarily the best example.
Avoid self-contradiction.
Avoiding redundancy.
Address all aspects of the interpretation.
Validating your stance.
Testing your evidence for weakness (i.e.—think like the prosecutor, not the defendant).

Group Work Instructions:1) Get in groups according to your paper topic.
2) Share the ideas you brainstormed during the “Do Now”.
3) Use the criteria we discussed in class to weigh your evidence, and discuss what you plan to write with your group.
4) By the end of class, you must have two examples from each text that you can explain and which your group members agree support both your interpretation and your stance.
Student-Teacher Conferences:
During group work I will meet with you individually.
*Remember, if you need extra help I am in the writing center period 5.

Notebook Check:
Five minutes before the end of class I will check your notebooks for group work item #4.
Share Out Quickwrite: Answer the aim.

HomeworkTonight at home, use the examples you found to draft two MORE “body” or “evidence” paragraphs. Bring them to class Monday as your preliminary rough draft.

NOTE: Essay “Early Submission” Deadline is Nov. 14th. If you turn your essay in early, you get 10 points added to your final grade. ALL essays due in class on Tuesday, Nov. 18th.

Tuesday, Nov. 5th; Wednesday, Nov. 6th, Thursday, Nov. 7th: Periodic Assessment

Lesson Plan: Monday, November 10.

AIM: How do I determine if I have the right evidence from “Half-Hanged Mary” to prove my thesis?
Do NowClass meeting:
1) Sign up students for 1:1 conferences with teacher
2) See me if you were absent last week.
3) General questions about the paper. (Survey students about where they are in the writing process).
4) Review class reminders.

Class Discussion
1) Ask a student to review how to weigh and choose text evidence, share strategies with the class.
2) Add these components to discussion:
The first example is not necessarily the best example.
Avoid self-contradiction.
Avoiding redundancy.
Address all aspects of the interpretation.
Validating your stance.
Testing your evidence for weakness (i.e.—think like the prosecutor, not the defendant).
The quagmire of “sort of”,“kind of”, “could be”, “maybe” and “both”

Independent Writing Instructions:1) Do not interrupt student conferences for *ANY* reason.
2) Work independently to write your body paragraphs.
3) Use this time well! If you have a question, ask me between conferences or sign up for a conference time today.
Reflection: Swap papers with a partner and do a 5 minute peer edit/conference.

Homework: Finish your draft of at least three “evidence” paragraphs. Bring them to class tomorrow as your preliminary rough draft along with your completely rewritten introduction paragraph. This is a QUIZ GRADE NOTEBOOK CHECK WORTH 40 POINTS.
Helpful hint: Begin typing now! It makes revisions easier, and you will not be “burning the midnight oil” when your essay is due next week.
NOTE: Essay “Early Submission” Deadline is Nov. 14th. If you turn your essay in early, you get 10 points added to your final grade. ALL essays due in class on Tuesday, Nov. 18th.

Lesson Plan: Wednesday, Nov. 12th

AIMWhat are my strengths as a writer, and in what areas do I need improvement?
Do Now1) Homework on desk for notebook check. I am checking for an introduction and three evidence paragraphs. This is a 40 point quiz grade!!!!!

During Notebook Check:
Review the work you have done so far on your essay. Brainstorm a list of questions you have about the essay, and prepare to share with the class.
Do Next:
Class meeting—discuss students’ questions.
Class Work & DiscussionAfter class meeting, students have several options:
1) Work independently on their papers.
2) Conference with a partner about a specific writing problem
3) Meet with the teacher about their papers. ReflectionAnswer the aim.
HomeworkTonight at home, continue working on your papers. We will work on your conclusion paragraphs tomorrow, but you may begin writing it if you wish.

LESSON PLAN: Thursday, Nov. 13
What are the steps I need to take to write a strong conclusion paragraph?
Do Now
· If you were absent yesterday, see me during Independent Writing time You missed a QUIZ GRADE!!!!
· Ask if anyone in class has not yet had a student-teacher conference.
· Class Meeting — Review the “Writing a Conclusion” Checklist
· Ask students to share tips for writing a great conclusion paragraph.
Class Work & Discussion:
Model steps for writing an “Conclusion” using overhead projector.
Writer’s Workshop
§ 15 minutes to draft your conclusion paragraph. (Complete Notebook check for absent students during independent writing time)
Peer Edit/ Student-Teacher Conferences
§ Students work in pairs to complete conclusion checklist.
§ Conference with students who need help.
If time allows, ask students to share 1-2 conclusion paragraphs for the class.
Complete a full second draft of your paper at home. If you write it by hand, skip a line and leave a 1-inch margin around the paper for tomorrow’s peer edit. If you typed your paper, double space. Hang in there—you’re almost finished! J

LESSON PLAN: Friday, Nov. 14
How does my work measure up to the Regents’ rubric for this essay?
Do Now
§ Class meeting—sign up for teacher conference, deadlines, make-up work, etc.
§ Discuss 100 point grading system with students: 40 points base grade for turning in complete paper; additional 60 points based on rubric scale times ten. Papers below 80 will be required to complete a rewrite. If you score over 100, additional points will be scored as extra credit.

Class Work: Using the Rubric/Student-Teacher Conferences
§ Take out your first draft and sit with a partner you have not worked with yet.
§ Trade papers and give your partner a grade based on the Regents’ rubric.
§ Keep your voices low.
§ Sign up to see me if we have not yet had a conference.

What do you need to do to earn a “6” according to the rubric?

Keep working on your papers. If you are turning your paper in tomorrow, remember to bring your independent reading book tomorrow.

LESSON PLAN: Monday, Nov. 17
How can I use today’s class time productively?
Do Now
§ Class meeting: Today you have five options:
1. Peer tutoring (*Only* if you turned paper in today).
2. Independent Writing – Continue working on essay.
3. Independent Reading – Read silently and complete a journal entry of your choice.
4. Teacher conference
5. Peer edit – Continue working with your partner on your paper.

Ok, folks. The big day is Monday—all essays due in class.
Good luck tonight!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Helpful Links


The Literature Network

New York Public Library

HSES Website

UFT Homework Help


Homework Help!

Class Supplies for 11th Grade ELA

Supply List
UPDATED 9/03/2008
Dear Students, Parents, and Families:
We will begin reading THE CRUCIBLE by Arthur Miller, within the next
week. I strongly recommend that you purchase a copy of this book,
and if you do, I will give you 100 extra credit points. This play
is an American Classic, and this copy of the text will come in handy
when you (or your child) prepares for the Regents' Examination; it
is also routinely taught in many Literature Courses in colleges.
When you buy your book, keep a few things in mind:
- Used copies are acceptable! This book is used so often, I have
even seen it at the Salvation Army. You can easily get used copies at, Barnes & Noble, etc. It's a form of recycling, and I'm
all for it!
- The edition you purchase does not matter.
-New copies range in price from $4.95 - $14.95. Buy whatever you
NOTE: If you borrow this book from the library, you will not receive
extra credit. You need the book for about four weeks; the point in
buying your own book is so you can take notes in the text.
Obviously,you cannot do this to a library book!
Ms. Smith

3 Ring Binder, at least 1.5"

200-count loose leaf paper. (You will use a lot of this! Stock up while it is on sale.

Blue or black ink pens

200-pk. 3"x5" index cards (lined or blank, your choice)


*Flashdrive (USB port)

*These items are "wish list". Helpful but not required.

Class Mission Statement: 11th Grade English

Mission For The ClassMs. Smith’s 11th Grade English Class
“The American Experience”
Understanding by Design: Curriculum Plan for 2008-2009
Students will explore these essential Questions….
• What is an American?
• What is “The American Dream” and how does American literature reflect our
society’s quest for that dream?
• How does literature reflect American society’s ongoing struggle to live up
to the ideals of democracy?
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a “melting pot”
• How is American Literature both unique and diverse?
•What is my role as an individual in a literate democracy?
Course Goals
Students will be able to…
• Identify the genres of writing: drama, novel, short story, poem, non-
• Analyze literature in terms of plot, setting, theme, characterization,
protagonist, and antagonist.
• Critically analyze literature using interpretive/essential questions within
the Junior Great Books framework.
• Understand the ideas and process of writing expository, analytical, and
argumentative essays.
• Proofread, evaluate, and revise their own writing with improved skills in
the areas of content and form.
• Identify and practice academically appropriate sentence construction,
subject and predicate, phrases and clauses, mechanics and usage.
•Demonstrate an understanding of the conventions of citing primary and
secondary sources.
•Pursue an ongoing Independent Reading project in American Literature.
• Successfully demonstrate mastery of all four components of writing for the
New York State Regents Examination.

Homework Sept. 5-Oct. 27, 2008

Updated Oct. 27, 2008
Monday, Oct. 27th
AIM: How does Atwood use literary devices in “Half-Hanged Mary”
Do Now: Reread “HHM” and identify as many examples of literary devices as
you can.
Share out “Do Now”
Class Work and Discussion:
Quick review of literary terms.
Break students into pairs.
Group Work directions
Construct well-written paragraph by taking the following steps:
1. Pick your favorite line/s from the poem (4-line maximum). Copy it down
in your notebook.
2. Describe what you like about your passage. (1-2 sentences)
3. Identify the literary device Atwood uses in your passage. (1 sentence)
4. Explain in a paragraph why this technique is effective. (3-4 sentences)
5. Describe how you might use this technique in your own writing.
HW: Rewrite your poem at home tonight, integrating a literary device of
your own creation to enhance the meaning of your poem. Due tomorrow!

Tuesday, Oct. 28th
What themes do The Crucible and “Half-Hanged Mary” have in common?
Do Now
HW on desk for notebook check.
Class Work & Discussion
• Read aloud “Half-Hanged Mary”.
• Discuss allegory with students—A form of art which sustains both
simultaneously both literal and abstract levels of meaning. Remind
students that The Crucible is an allegory for the HUAC Communist Scare in
the 1950’s; what might “Half-Hanged Mary” be an allegory for?
• As a class, create a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting “Half-
Hanged Mary” and The Crucible.
Student Instructions
Assign a literary term to each group and have each group look for examples
of the following: imagery, foreshadowing, irony, tone.
Groups share out with class.
Select a theme from the two texts, and answer the AIM in a well-written
paragraph. Be prepared to share out in class tomorrow.
LESSON PLAN: Wed. Oct. 29
What do I need to do to begin writing my essay on The Crucible and “Half
Hanged Mary”?
Do Now
Silently review page 5 of your assignment packet for The Crucible and “Half
Hanged Mary. Make a list of at least three questions you have about the
upcoming assignment.
Class Meeting
 Review the guidelines for the essay.
 Answer students’ questions from “Do Now”
 Review the “critical lens” options.
Group Work
Break students into small groups to discuss and select critical lens
quotation to use for essay. (See directions on worksheet).
Share & Reflection
Answer the AIM
Tonight at home, write a paragraph interpreting your critical lens. Prepare
to share with your group tomorrow.
• Provide a valid interpretation of the quote that clearly establishes how
you analyzed it.
• Indicate whether you agree or disagree with the quote as you interpret
NOTE: Essay “Early Submission” Deadline is Nov. 14th. If you turn your
essay in early, you get 10 points added to your final grade. ALL essays due
in class on Tuesday, Nov. 18th.

LESSON PLAN: Thursday, Oct. 30th
How do I determine if my interpretation of the quotation is valid and
connect it to the texts?
Do Now
1) Homework on desk for notebook check.
2) If you were absent yesterday, see me.
3) Brainstorm a list of questions you have about your upcoming essay.
Class Meeting
 Review student questions from “Do Now”
 Ask students to brainstorm ways to test validity of interpretation
of quote.
 Instruct students to get into groups based on the quotation they
 I will conference with each group during group work.
Group Work
1) Trade papers in “round robin” and read each other’s interpretation of the
2) Check interpretations for validity – help each other find a valid
interpretation of the quotation—remember, not all your interpretations may
be the same, but they must be accurate.
3) As a group, spend the last five minutes of group time brainstorming
connections between your INDIVIDUAL interpretation and the texts.
Share / Reflection
What was the most helpful part of today’s lesson? What did not work? How
well is your group functioning? What do you need individual help with over
the next few days?
Tonight at home, rewrite your interpretation of the quotation as the
introduction to your paper. Bring your rewritten paragraph to class
Helpful hint: Begin typing now! It makes revisions easier, and you will not
be “burning the midnight oil” when your essay is due next week.
Another Helpful Hint: I am in the writing center 5th period. Come and see
me for extra help!!!
NOTE: Essay “Early Submission” Deadline is Nov. 14th. If you turn your
essay in early, you get 10 points added to your final grade. ALL essays due
in class on Tuesday, Nov. 18th.

Lesson Plan: Friday, Oct. 31st.
How do I determine the relevance of evidence from THE CRUCIBLE to prove my
Do Now
1) Sign up to see me today if you are struggling with your interpretation of
the critical lens.
2) See me if you were absent Friday!
3) Brainstorm a list of three to five examples from the texts that you could
use to prove your interpretation and stance of the critical lens is correct.
Class Discussion
1) Briefly review the rubric for this assignment.
2) Discuss how to weigh and choose text evidence, share strategies with the
• The first example is not necessarily the best example.
• Avoid self-contradiction.
• Avoiding redundancy.
• Address all aspects of the interpretation.
• Validating your stance.
• Testing your evidence for weakness (i.e.—think like the prosecutor,
not the defendant).
• Counterargument
Group Work Instructions:
1) Get in groups according to your paper topic.
2) Share the ideas you brainstormed during the “Do Now”.
3) Use the criteria we discussed in class to weigh your evidence, and
discuss what you plan to write with your group.
4) By the end of class, you must have two examples from each text that you
can explain and which your group members agree support both your
interpretation and your stance.
Student-Teacher Conferences:
During group work I will meet with you individually.
*Remember, if you need extra help I am in the writing center period 5.
Notebook Check:
Five minutes before the end of class I will check your notebooks for group
work item #4.
Share Out
Quickwrite: Answer the aim.
Tonight at home, use the examples you found to draft two “body”
or “evidence” paragraphs. Bring them to class Monday as your preliminary
rough draft.
NOTE: Essay “Early Submission” Deadline is Nov. 14th. If you turn your
essay in early, you get 10 points added to your final grade. ALL essays due
in class on Tuesday, Nov. 18th.
Updated Oct. 23, 2008
AIM: What goals can I set for my writing by reviewing model texts for
Regents task 2?
Do now: Class meeting
Class Activities:
Class breaks into groups to review the rubric for Regents Prep #3 (Teen
Curfew essay). In groups,
then review the model essays for Task 2, Reading and Writing for Information
and Understanding.
Next, trade papers with someone in your group and fill out the Peer Edit
worksheet. Return to me by
the end of class: Peer Edit Worksheet, Regents Prep #3 Outline, Essay, and
Multiple Choice.
Alternative Assignment: Students who did not complete this assignment were
provided with
independent work time during the entire period to get caught up.
HW: Reading # 10 and Vocab #4.
AIM : What is irony and where does Miller use it in The Crucible?
1. Do Now
Describe a time you thought you were making the right decision, but it
resulted in tragic (or
unintended consequences).
2. Pair and Share Students should turn to someone sitting near them, and
trade papers.
3. Homework Review: Ask a student to lead the review the homework, Reading
Questions 33-37.
(Note: My students are familiar with this process. Remind them to provide
text evidence to prove
their answer is correct and to ask if anyone has anything to add, or has
another answer that provides
additional perspective on the text).
4. Copy the definition of IRONY.
(1) incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the
normal or expected result
(2) : an event or result marked by such incongruity
b : incongruity between a situation developed in a drama and the
accompanying words or actions that is understood by the audience but not by
the characters in the play -- called also dramatic irony, tragic irony
4. Reflection: Explain in a well-written paragraph why Elizabeth Proctor’s
lie at the end of Act 3 is
If the class is well behaved and respectful and on-task and all the work is
completed, students can
watch more of the film THE CRUCIBLE. The VCR will need to be queued up for
each class, but kids
know where the movie “left off” for their class section.
Collect the “Do Now” and the “Reflection” activities from students. Put
them in the blue box on my
desk and I will grade them when I return.
Reading #11. Reading Comprehension questions 38-41.
LESSON PLAN: Wed. Oct. 22
AIM: What are examples of honor, courage, goodness, and justice in The
1. Do Now: HW on desk for notebook check*.
(NOTE: Ask a student who has done notebook check before to
complete “notebook check” using a
sheet of looseleaf paper. Have the student write each class member’s name
on the paper and give
them a grade of check plus, check, check minus, or zero).
2. During Notebook Check: Write a paragraph responding to Act IV, Journal
2,3, or 4. Your choice!
3. Homework Review: Ask a student to lead the review the homework, Reading
Questions 38-41.
(Note: My students are familiar with this process. Remind them to provide
text evidence to prove
their answer is correct and to ask if anyone has anything to add, or has
another answer that provides
additional perspective on the text).
4. Class Activities:
A) In groups of three, debate the Aim for 5 minutes. Decide who best
embodies the characteristics
described in the Aim, and why.
B) In a well-written paragraph, answer to the AIM, choosing a character
from The Crucible to use
as an example to prove your point.
Collect the “Do Now” and the “Class Activity B” from students. Put them in
the blue box on my desk
and I will grade them when I return.
If the class is well behaved and respectful and on-task and all the work is
completed, students can
watch more of the film THE CRUCIBLE. The VCR will need to be queued up for
each class, but kids
know where the movie “left off” for their class section. Students should be
able to finish the movie
Reading #12, and “Half-Hanged Mary” Journal #1.
Lesson Plan: Thursday, Oct. 23rd
AIM: Who is responsible for the tragedy in THE CRUCIBLE, and why?
Do Now: Answer the Aim and explain why you chose that person.
Pair and Share: Turn to a partner sitting near you and compare your answers.
Class Activities:
1) Elect a MODERATOR to read the discussion questions during the
2) Place desks in a circle.
3) Moderator leads the debate using the script below.
4) AFTER the debate, give students five minutes to write their
conclusive, final response to the AIM.
Reflection/ HW: Using what you learned from the AIM, write a 1-page mini-
essay answering the
AIM. Fill both the front and back of one sheet of looseleaf paper, double-
spacing your writing. In
your mini-essay, provide at least two specific examples from the text that
prove your thesis. Ms.
Smith will collect your class notes and this mini essay (worth 100 point
quiz grade!) in class
Read the highlighted instructions out loud.
Instructions: Take out a blank sheet of looseleaf paper and keep THE
CRUCIBLE on your desk for easy
A) The rules of debate: You must provide a specific example from the
text to prove your point; one
person speaks at a time; and all class notes will be collected for a quiz
grade tomorrow. The
moderator will occasionally posit new questions to keep the debate lively.
However, no matter how
lively the debate becomes, you MUST use academic, respectful English and
absolutely NO name-
calling. If you cuss, you sit out the rest of the debate and take notes
instead of talking. ☺
B) Suspects: Make a list of ALL potential characters who could be
blamed for this mess: Abigail,
John, Elizabeth, Hale, Tituba, Mary Warren, Betty, Reverend Parris, Mr. and
Mrs. Putnam. Rate each
person’s responsibility on a scale of 1 to 10; 1 is totally innocent, 10 is
completely guilty.
C) How you will be graded: the Moderator will give each student a score
for participation. Ms.
Smith will collect your notes from class along with your 1-page response
paper when she returns
Friday. The 1-page essay is worth a quiz grade of 100 points.
D) Now, ask who wants to start the debate. If no one volunteers, call
on someone to read. During
the debate, make sure you throw in the following discussion topics.
E) During the debate, remind students to take notes and give text
DISCUSSION TOPICS- Do you agree or disagree with the following controversial
why? Remember to use text evidence to prove your point!
• Remember, it is easy to say that Abigail is to blame, but she is a
young, impressionable girl who
was seduced then dumped by an older married man. She was desperate to win
him back—is she to
blame for fearing that accusations of witchcraft would lead to her demise?
Why or why not?
• Elizabeth had the chance to tell the truth; but she lied. She could
have saved everyone by
sticking to her principles instead of trying to protect her husband. Do you
agree or disagree, and
• John Proctor got himself into his own mess, right? He didn’t HAVE
to have an affair with Abigail,
nor did he have to be such a grump about going to church when he didn’t like
the preacher, and he
sure didn’t help anything by throwing a hissy fit when Elizabeth was
arrested, then later in court. Is
he simply paying the price for betraying his wife and family?
• What about Ann Putnam? Is she mentally ill? The woman seems to
have post-partum
depression (the depression that naturally occurs after the birth of a baby)
and is understandably
unable to control her feelings of helplessness after losing so many babies.
• Reverend Hale’s arrogance and eagerness to indict people on charges
of witchcraft is
reprehensible. He enriches himself and builds his reputation on
superstition and fear. He is
• Mary Warren knew she was lying and should not have allowed herself
to be blackmailed by
Abigail. Did she have any choice but to save herself? Is she the smartest
person in the play? While
everyone else goes around trying to stand up to authority and prove their
innocence, she does the
smart thing and keeps her mouth shut.
“Half-Hanged Mary”
How does point of view change EVERYTHING?
Do Now
HW on desk for notebook check.
Trade journals with a partner.
Class Work & Discussion
Discuss the aim, based on yesterday's class debate. What would THE CRUCIBLE
be like if told from a
specific character's point of view?
Pick a character from The Crucible, and draft your own response poem from
one character’s point of view. Give an account of the events in Salem
according to your character’s subjective experience, and entirely from their
point of view. Due Tuesday, Oct. 28th in class.
MONDAY OCT 13: Schools closed for Columbus Day
Lesson Plan: PSAT Prep Day 3- Tuesday, Oct. 14
By reviewing the PSAT practice test and the preparation handbook SWBAT
identify areas for improvement and specific test-taking strategies to master
the PSAT test on Oct. 18.
What strategies do I need to use to succeed on the PSAT?
Do Now
1) Pick up a copy of the “Student Guide” to the PSAT.
Class Activities & Discussion:
 Discuss with students how to read the PSAT guide—areas that are
shaded, look for “Tips” in square boxes, boldfaced headings, etc. give you
clues about details that are important and need your attention.
 Review test instructions. (p. 8-9), “Critical Reading” and (p.
29), “Writing Skills Section”. Review practice questions, tips,
Ask students to brainstorm a list of practical test-taking strategies
(process of elimination when completing multiple choice, checking your work,
pacing yourself, etc.)
Share Out
 Students share their lists and discuss fallacies (when in doubt,
pick “B”), and so forth.
 Take any last minute questions the students have about the test.
*****October 15 *****
ALL 10th and 11th Grade students take the PSAT Exam

LESSON PLAN: Thursday, Oct. 16
Did John and Elizabeth Proctor do the right thing in Act III of The
Crucible, and why?
Do Now
• HW on desk for notebook check.
• Vocab Quiz #2
Class Work & Discussion
• Ask student to summarize last night’s reading.
• Discuss HW questions—27 and 28.
27. Danforth gives the premise for judging a witch. Summarize his
28. How would you describe the encounter between Danforth and Abigail?
Who “wins” this confrontation, and why?
Student Instructions
In groups, find text evidence to answer the AIM.
Share & Reflection
Answer the AIM and explain WHY you believe your answer is correct, using at
least one example from the text.
Reading #9, questions 29-32.
AIM: Who is being courageous in this scene?
Do Now: Class meeting.
• Read aloud Reading #9.
• Discussion questions:
29. Mary Warren's testimony is destroyed in the end because she cannot
do something. What? How does she explain the problem?
30. Finally, Proctor admits that he and Abigail have been lovers. This
truth could be the end of Abigail’s control. Why isn’t it?
31. What is the importance of John Proctor’s last speech (in Act III)?
32. What is Hale’s point of view on John Proctor at the end of Act III?
Reflection: Debate the AIM as a class
HW: None! Enjoy your weekend (for once!)
HOMEWORK: OCT 6-10, 2008
LESSON PLAN: Monday, Oct. 6
Rules of “Shared Inquiry” Discussion
How much influence should religion exert in a just society?
Do Now
Make a t-chart that says “positive” and “negative”.
Brainstorm at least three positive and three negative ways that religion
might influence the government, society, and the law.
NOTE: Remember that this room is big enough for *all* our opinions; please
state your opinions in a manner that reflects your maturity, as well as your
respect for the opinions of those who hold different beliefs. 
Class Work & Discussion
• Put chairs in a circle.
• Ask a student to summarize the previous night’s reading and review
questions 25 and 26.
• How are the characters’ religious beliefs affecting justice in the
courts in Salem?
• Ask students to share “Do Now” and break into teams based on basic
• Give students 5 minutes to find evidence for ‘their’ side of the
debate. As a class, debate the AIM, using examples from the text. Can ONLY
argue with examples from the text. No personal stories, no ‘real life’
examples, etc.
Share & Reflection
What did you learn from today’s debate?
Reading #8, Questions 27-28 (hint: reread 100) , Vocabulary #3.

Lesson Plan: PSAT Prep Day – Tuesday, Oct. 7.
By completing the PSAT practice test, SWBAT identify areas for improvement
and specific test-taking strategies to master the PSAT test on Oct. 18.
How can taking a “practice test” help me prepare for the “real deal”?
Do Now
1) Copy tonight’s homework assignment into your binder.
2) Clear everything from your desk except a sheet of blank notebook paper.
3) Put a heading on the paper (Full name, date, class period).
4) Take two pencils out of your bag.
Class Meeting:
Review test instructions.
Class Activities:
Take PSAT test.
On an index card, answer the AIM.

Lesson Plan: PSAT Prep Day 2—Wed, Oct. 8
By completing the PSAT practice test, SWBAT identify areas for improvement
and specific test-taking strategies to master the PSAT test on Oct. 18.
How can taking a “practice test” help me prepare for the “real deal”?
Do Now
1) Copy tonight’s homework assignment into your binder.
2) Clear everything from your desk except a sheet of blank notebook paper.
3) Put a heading on the paper (Full name, date, class period).
4) Take two pencils out of your bag.
Class Meeting:
Review test instructions.
Class Activities:
Take PSAT test.
On an index card, answer the AIM.
Make an outline for Regents Prep #3 (Task 2)
Friday Oct. 10th
Why is it important to demonstrate our knowledge?
Class Work & Discussion: Clear your desks of everything except two sheets of
loose leaf paper and a #2 pencil. You will have all period to work on the
multiple choice and essay. You must work silently and independently. If
you are off task, and your name is written down by the substitute teacher,
you will receive a ZERO on the multiple choice portion of the exam.
Your essay will be collected in class on Tuesday, Oct. 14th for a test grade
of 250 points. If you do not complete this essay, your parents will be
called *and* a late penalty of 30 points per day will be assessed.
HOMEWORK WEEK 5: Sept. 29, Oct. 2-3
(Scroll down for previous week's homework)
Monday, Sept. 29
Why is it important to demonstrate our knowledge?
Do Now
-Notebook check HW.
-Review directions for Regents Prep #3.
Class Work & Discussion: Instruct students to work independently—no talking,
if you have a question, come to my desk. Remember- 10 points extra if you
finish your essay in class today.
Your essay will be collected in class on Thursday for a test grade of 250
points. If you do not complete this essay, your parents will be called
*and* a late penalty of 30 points per day will be assessed.
LESSON PLAN: Thursday, October 2
How can we describe the relationship between John and Elizabeth Proctor?
Do Now
1) Homework on desk for notebook check.
2) Vocabulary Quiz #1—6 minutes to complete!
Class Work & Discussion
• Ask a student to summarize last night’s reading.
• Read aloud p. 49-55.
• Ask students what “symptoms” and “evidence” can be added to the Act
I list of “evidence” that the Devil has invaded Salem?

Group Work:
• Break students into small groups.
• Assign a question to each group:
16. What do you know about the relationship between John and Elizabeth
Proctor from the stage action and opening dialogue of Act II?
18. What’s going on between the Proctors in this scene?
19. Though Mary Warren cannot say who accused Elizabeth Proctor, who do you
believe accused her and why?
• Remind students to look in text for “clues” in the text about the
Proctors’ relationship. (Repeated words, images, silence, inference, body
language/stage directions.)
Share & Reflection
Answer the AIM, using at least one quotation from the text.
***Remember to put “quotations” in quotation marks; to cite the full title
of the text, the page number, and the character speaking. For example: “I
am bound by law, I cannot tell it” (The Crucible, p. 60, Mary Warren)****

Reading #6, Reading Comprehension Questions 20-23.
Remember to begin a new I.R. Book—next book report due Monday, Oct. 15!

LESSON PLAN: Friday, Oct. 3
How does Miller create the dramatic climax of events in Act 2 of The
Do Now
Homework on desk for notebook check.
• Describe a time when you were unjustly accused. How did you resolve
the situation?
• Describe a time when you blamed someone else to avoid punishment for
your own foul deeds.

Pair & Share
Class Work & Discussion
• Ask student to summarize last night’s reading
• Review elements of plot
• Read Aloud: Pages 72-81
• During read aloud, ask students to fill in “elements of plot” on the
worksheet, or, if they prefer, take notes on the events that lead up to
Elizabeth’s arrest and Proctor convincing Mary to testify on Elizabeth’s
• Remind them that this means they must determine the most salient
(important) events – the turning point is the point in a dramatic work from
which there is “no going back”, no return. Things change inexorably after
Student Instructions
In groups, identify at least three salient points that lead up to the
climax of the scene.
Share & Reflection
Groups share out the events they identified on their worksheet.
Reading #7, Reading Comprehension Questions 25 and 26.

HOMEWORK WEEK 4- Sept. 22-26
LESSON PLAN: Monday, Sept. 22
What is the connection between superstition and fear?
Do Now
1) Notebook check—Homework on desk!
2) Analyze the following quotation in your own words:
“Superstition is to religion what astrology is to astronomy: the mad
daughter of a wise mother” (Voltaire)
Pair and share.
Class Work & Discussion
1. Students read aloud Reading #1 (Act I, part 1), playing roles.
2. Discuss questions 1-4 in class; students break into groups, write
answers and share with class.
3. Discuss the AIM—students agree or disagree with it?
4. What about Voltaire’s quotation—is he correct or incorrect?
Share & Reflection
Answer the AIM.
Reading #2, Questions 3-4.
LESSON PLAN: Tuesday, Sept. 23
How do guilt and hysteria affect characters in The Crucible?
Do Now
1) HW on desk for notebook check.
2) Choose a prompt and describe a time that ….
• Your emotions prevented you from making a wise choice.
• You found yourself "in over your head" because of a poor choice you
Pair and Share “Do Now”
Class Work & Discussion
1. Ask a student to summarize last night’s reading.
2. Students read aloud Reading #2, playing parts.
3. Discuss “hysteria” and “guilt”
4. Ask students to describe the girls’ behavior.
5. Review students’ responses to homework questions.
Share & Reflection
In a well-written paragraph, answer the AIM using at least one quotation
from the text. Explain how the quotation proves your answer to the Aim is
Reading #3

LESSON PLAN: Wed. Sept 24
How can we determine a character’s motivation?
Do Now
• Pick up a copy of the Revised work calendar for THE CRUCIBLE.
Class Work
1. Work quietly in pairs to complete questions 5,6, and 7 in your
Crucible Assignment Packet.
• Each person completes work on a separate piece of paper.
• Use complete sentences
• Include quotes to support your opinion.
• MUST use proper heading and blue or black ink.
• Turn in your work at the end of the period for a 90 point test
Work quietly or you will be assigned to work independently.

Reading #4. Be prepared for a quiz tomorrow!

Lesson Plan: Thursday, Sept. 25
How do language and behavior provide clues about a character’s true
Do Now
• Homework on desk for notebook check!
Do Next:
• “Behavior is a mirror in which everyone displays his true image
(Johan Van Goethe). Remember to interpret the quotation, agree or disagree
with it.
• Pair and share “Do Now”.
Class Work & Discussion
• Ask student to summarize reading.
Verbally Review HW Questions: 13-19
Character Motivation:
• Review terms on “Drama Terms” WS
Should we use a character’s actions or words to determine motivation? Both?
• Can you judge human motivation by behavior?
• How does Miller use language to “tip us off” to character
• How do envy, greed, passion, and jealousy turn the tide of events in
this scene?
Group Work:
Students break into groups to find character motivation based on specific
selections from the reading.
A-- Pg. 21-24: Proctor, Abigail, Mary, Betty
B -- Pg. 26-28: Proctor, Putnam, Rebecca, Paris, Mrs. Putnam
C -- Pg. 29-32: Giles, Rebecca, Paris, Putnam, Proctor
D -- Pg. 36-40: Hale, Giles, Rebecca, Putnam, Mrs. Putnam, Parris
E -- Pg. 40-45: Abigail, Hale, Tituba, Mrs. Putnam, Parris, Betty
F -- Pg. 45-48: Abigail, Tituba, Hale, Parris, Mrs. Putnam
Share Out
In a well-written paragraph, answer the AIM using at least one quotation
from the text that proves. Explain how the quotation proves your answer to
the Aim is correct.
Reading #5, Vocab #2, Act II Journal #2.
Quiz on Vocab #1 tomorrow!
Lesson Plan : Friday, Sept. 26
What can I do to prepare for Regents Task 3?
Do Now
Review directions for task 3.
Class Work & Discussion
-Explain purpose of assessment to students.
-Use rubric to review task.
-Discuss test-taking strategies
-Discuss analyzing poetry and prose, as well as identifying literary terms.
-Review basic outline (intro, body 1, body 2, compare/contrast literary
elements, conclusion)
Answer the AIM.
Outline your essay tonight at home, making sure you have a thesis. This
outline is worth a 50 point test grade and will be “notebook checked” at the
beginning of class Monday. You will have all day Monday in class to write.

Monday, Sept. 29
Why is it important to demonstrate our knowledge?
Do Now
-Notebook check HW.
-Review directions for Regents Prep #3.
Class Work & Discussion: Instruct students to work independently—no talking,
if you have a question, come to my desk. Remember- 10 points extra if you
finish your essay in class today.
Your essay will be collected in class on for a test grade of 250 points.
If you do not complete this essay, your parents will be called *and* a late
penalty of 30 points per day will be assessed.
HOMEWORK WEEK 3- SEPT. 15-19 ********************
LESSON PLAN: Monday, Sept. 15
Why is it important for students to understand educational objectives?
Do Now
Analyze the following quotation in your own words:
“I cannot change the direction of the wind, but I can always adjust my
sails to reach my destination” (Jimmy Dean).
During DO NOW, I will do notebook check for CRUCIBLE book for extra credit
Pair & Share
Class Work & Discussion
1. Discuss unit plan & calendar.
2. Why is it important to begin with the end in mind?
3. Students complete “Anticipation Guide” and break into small groups
for debate.
Share & Reflection
Answer the AIM.
Directions: For all vocabulary assignments you must copy down the word,
underline it, and write out the definition of the word. Vocabulary
assignments may not be typed.
Vocab #1: savor, dogmatically, indigenous[ly], orthodox, heretic, inert,
sect, innate, parochial, predilection, ingratiating, junta, autocratic,
paradox, dissembling, conjure, vindictive, propriety, diametrically.

LESSON PLAN: Tuesday, Sept. 16,
What is the background of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible?
Do Now
Class meeting; Discuss research project
Research Guide: Research Project (SEE HANDOUT FOR DETAILS)
Research and give a class presentation on one of the following themes:
1. The actual Salem Witchcraft Trials, drawing from such sources as Cotton
Mather’s summary of events and testimonies of the trials in his 1692
account, The Wonders of the Invisible World, (“The Trial of Bridget Bishop”
is a good excerpt to use from this source) and other available accounts of
court proceedings.
2. If time permits, include some background on the 15th, 16th and 17th
witchcraft hysteria in Europe of which the New England hysteria was an
extension; also, the “witch manuals” that were published in the 16h century)
The following is an excellent Web site for general background on witchcraft
and include comments on The Crucible.
Medieval Sourcebook: Witchcraft Documents (15th Century)
2. The nature of the Puritan theocracy in Massachusetts, with attention to
defining how the court system worked in this type of government.
3. The McCarthy Senate hearings in America in the 1950’s, including Miller’s
involvement in these hearings
Class Work & Discussion
Break students into small groups and assign topics. Give them time to
conduct research during class.
Continue your research at home. Bring in evidence of your research tomorrow
(notes, articles, summary of findings, photos, etc) and prepare to present
your findings to the class on Friday.
Research Guide: Research Project
Research and give a class presentation on one of the following themes:
1. The actual Salem Witchcraft Trials, drawing from such sources as Cotton
Mather’s summary of events and testimonies of the trials in his 1692
account, The Wonders of the Invisible World, (“The Trial of Bridget Bishop”
is a good excerpt to use from this source) and other available accounts of
court proceedings.
2. 15th, 16th and 17th witchcraft hysteria in Europe of which the New
England hysteria was an extension; also, the “witch manuals” that were
published in the 16h century) The following is an excellent Web site for
general background on witchcraft and include comments on The Crucible. A
good resource will be Medieval Sourcebook: Witchcraft Documents (15th
2. The Puritan theocracy in Massachusetts, with attention to defining how
the court system worked in this type of government.
3. The McCarthy Senate hearings in America in the 1950’s, including Miller’s
involvement in these hearings.
• You will work in groups of 4-6 people. Each person in the group
must have a clear role and be able to explain the work they contributed to
the project in a well-written paragraph.
• Your group must have some kind of visual presentation: you can make
a poster, learning guide (chart paper), 1-page handout (must turn in 1 day
in advance for me to make copies), present a PowerPoint presentation to the
class, act out a scene that your group wrote to enhance your audience’s
understanding of your group’s research, or make a timeline.
• Pictures, graphics, charts help your grade. Be creative, but make
sure your presentation has substance and not just glamour and glitter.
Your presentation is due IN CLASS on Friday, Sept. 19th. If you miss this
presentation, you get a “0” for the project. This is worth a 100-point test
grade, plus daily participation in class at a value of 20-30 points per day.
Wednesday Sept. 17th & Thurs. Sept. 18th
AIM: How can I use today’s class time to prepare for Friday’s presentation?
Do Now: Class meeting
*Check for extra credit, kids who purchased THE CRUCIBLE
*Collect “American Dream” essays
Class Work Options:
1. Conduct research
2. write draft of presentation
3. Work on poster/chart paper
4. go to library (no more than two at a time)
5. Rehearse presentation
6. Plan presentation , assign roles, etc.
Reflection: Describe how you used your work time today and what you need to
do to before you are ready to present.
HW: Continue your research at home. Bring in evidence of your research
tomorrow (notes, articles, summary of findings, photos, etc) and prepare to
present your findings to the class on Thursday.
Lesson Plan: Friday, Sept. 19
AIM: What is the historical background of THE CRUCIBLE and how does it
relate to HUAC?
Do Now: 5 minutes to meet with group and presentations.
Class Activities: Student Presentations. I will collect your notes at the
end of class!
Reflection: Answer the AIM.
HW: Reading #1, and student choice: Journal #1 OR Journal #2.

*********** HOMEWORK WEEK 2- Sept. 8-12***********
Monday, Sept. 8
Why is it important to listen critically and take notes?
Do Now
Turn in your Regents Prep Essay #1- Critical Lens. If you are new to this
class, see me.
If your essay is incomplete, take out a piece of paper and write your name
and a phone number where I can reach your parent/guardian today before 4
Do Next:
Take out two sheets of blank paper and clear your desk.
Class Work & Discussion:
-Explain purpose of assessment to students.
-Remind them that we will use this assignment all week.
-- Explain that today students will take multiple choice part of test, after
hearing listening section one more time.
-Remind students that always, always—the listening section has the author
name and source text for the listening section. They can avoid losing
points by finding that info and using it in their essay.
-Read directions to students
-Review directions- what does the task require? How can I organize myself
before I begin writing?
-Briefly discuss test-taking strategies.
-Pass out multiple choice questions to students, administer listening
-Remind students that multiple choice section will be collected at the end
of class. They have the rest of the period to write the essay.
Collect Multiple Choice
Write a brief, 4-5 paragraph essay as outlined in the regents instructions.
This is Regents Prep #2. Guess what? It is worth 250 points and is due in
class Wednesday. You have two nights to complete this work.
Find an article on the internet about the business practices of Wal-Mart,
and bring it to class for 30 points extra credit. Tomorrow you will hear
the listening section one more time. Reminder: If you did not turn in
Regents Prep #1, you are losing 30 points a day!!!!
September 9, Tuesday
Why is it important to demonstrate our knowledge?
Do Now
1. If you are new to this class, see me.
2. Take out two sheets of blank paper, your notes from yesterday, and clear
your desk.
Class Work & Discussion:
-Quick review of previous day’s test prep.
-Independent Writing, Regents Prep #2
Finish writing your brief, 4-5 paragraph essay as outlined in the regents
instructions. This is Regents Prep #2. Guess what? It is worth 250 points
and is due in class Wednesday. You have two nights to complete this work.
Find an article on the internet about the business practices of Wal-Mart,
and bring it to class for 30 points extra credit. Tomorrow you will hear
the listening section one more time. Reminder: If you did not turn in
Regents Prep #1, you are losing 30 points a day!!!!
LESSON PLAN: Sept 10, Wednesday
How can I use my writing assessment to set goals for myself as a writer?
Do Now
1) See me if you were absent Monday or Tuesday; or if you are new to this
2) Notebook Check Regents Prep #2. If your essay is incomplete, take out a
piece of paper and write your name and a phone number where I can reach your
parent/guardian today before 4 pm.
3) Explain in your own words what the following quotation means, AND either
agree or disagree with your interpretation of the quotation. (HINT:
Remember to use the analysis strategies we discussed for the critical lens
“Everyone who is successful must have dreamed of something.” -American
Indian Proverb
Class Work & Discussion
1) Pair & share “Do Now”.
2) Discuss regents’ rubric with students.
3) Use overhead projector to read aloud/critique one “6” and a “3” essay.
Ask students to identify which characteristics result in the grade.
4) Put students in pairs to review own work. (See “Student Instructions”)
Student Instructions
1) In your groups, review your assessment and identify at least three areas
for improvement.
Share & Reflection
- Write down three goals you have as a writer.
-Answer the AIM.
• None! You worked very hard the last few days. Enjoy a rare night
of freedom!
LESSON PLAN: Sept. 11- Thursday
What is the American Dream and what does Wal-Mart have to do with it?
Do Now
1) Explain in your own words what the following quotation means:
Most people are looking for security, a nice, safe, prosperous future. And
there's nothing wrong with that. It's called the American Dream.
-Lee Iacocca, 1986
Class Work & Discussion
1) Pair & share “Do Now”
2) Split into groups and read pro/con Wal-Mart Articles. (see “Student
3) Share out ideas
4) Compare/contrast with class ideas about American Dream
Student Instructions
In your groups, read your article and extract at least three main ideas
about how the authors claim Wal-Mart is/is not a good example of “The
American Dream”. Prepare to share with class.
Share & Reflection
Are Wal-Mart, and Sam Walton’s theories about business practices a good
example of a realization of the American Dream? Why or why not?
Using your notes from class, expand on your writing from today’s reflection
and write a 1-page essay on this topic.
Rules for “1-Pager”:
• Completely fill one page notebook paper, no more & no less.
• Please do not write like the jolly green giant OR the keebler elf. 
• Remember, blue or black ink only.

LESSON PLAN: Sept. 12, Friday
Why is it important to revise my writing?
Do Now
1) See me if you were absent yesterday or if you are new to this class.
2) Notebook check—homework on desk
3) Explain in your own words what the following quotation means, AND either
agree or disagree with your interpretation of the quotation:
There are those who will say that the liberation of humanity, the freedom of
man and mind is nothing but a dream. They are right. It is the American
-Archibald MacLeish
Class Work & Discussion
1) Pair & share “Do Now”.
2) How does this quote relate to your essay from last night’s HW?
2) Survey class—who feels they are a good writer? Good at grammar?
Excellent organizer? Have style but need help with organization? Great
vocabulary but have trouble getting started? Excellent at giving feedback?
3) Put students in groups of three for peer edit. (See “Student
Student Instructions
1) In your groups, do a “round robin” reading and provide at least three
suggestions for improvement of your partner’s writing. Write your last name
in parentheses after each of your three comments.
2) After you finish your reading, discuss your comments with each other and
answer the AIM on the back of your paper.
Share & Reflection
Ask if students wish to read aloud any really great 1-pagers. If not, call
on “volunteers”. Discuss with class what made the essay great.
• None! Enjoy your weekend and see you Monday when we begin reading
Arthur Miller’s classic play, THE CRUCIBLE. 

*********** HOMEWORK WEEK 1- Sept. 2-5***********
Updated Sept. 3, 2008
Lesson Plan Sept. 2
I. AIM: Why is it important to set clear expectations for class?
Do Now
Have a seat, copy the AIM and the HOMEWORK from the board.
II. Making Connections: Class Welcome
A. Welcome Speech (2-3 minutes)
B. Attendance
C. Review policies if time allows¡Xlate, rules, etc.
III. Model and Active Engagement/ Guided Practice Time
Explain purpose of 3-2-1. Teach 3-2-1 Signal; Model and Practice. (5
Ask students to quickwrite answer to AIM and share out if time allows.
IV. Share & Reflection
Today, we went through a mini-session of things you will need to know how to
do to succeed in my class: copying the agenda, completing the ¡§Do Now¡¨,
reviewing class rules and learning the quiet signal. Tomorrow we will spend
more time on the class agreement, and discuss the way class will work this
V. Homework:
Put the finishing touches on your summer reading assignment. This is worth a
test grade of 100 points.
1. Create a comic strip, using dialogue and images, to illustrate a
major theme or main idea of your book. Make sure to include at least six
frames (boxes with images).
2. Create a poster illustrating an important quotation or scene from
your book. Your poster should include the quotation or text it illustrates,
either as a caption or as a part of the artwork. Include a half page
explanation of the quotation or scene and its importance to the book as a
3. Pretend you are one of the major characters (or people, if you have
read non-fiction) in your book and write a series of four diary entries that
cover the time span of the book. Be sure to refer to characters and events
in the book and explain your character¡¦s feelings and thoughts based on
the book tells you about him or her. Each entry should be 150 words long.
4. Find and clip a newspaper article related to the topics or issues
addressed in your book. Write a 200-word summary of the newspaper article.
Then write a 500-word personal response to the topic or issue of the
newspaper article, comparing the issue(s) in the book to the issue(s) found
in the article.

Lesson Plan Sept. 3
What are my responsibilities in this class?
VII. Do Now
- Turn in homework (Summer reading project).
- Pick up a Class Agreement and read it silently at your desk.
-If you would like to be the class monitor for the day, see me.
VIII. Class Meeting
1. Read through the syllabus with students, Ask if students have
IX. Class procedures review
1. Practice group work drills with students¡Xgetting in and out of
groups quickly.
2. Practice procedures:
3. 3-2-1
4. Making a heading
5. Blue/black ink
6. Notebook set up
7. Class Library
8. Entering and leaving room
9. Fire drill
10. Asking questions
X. Workshop & Guided Practice Time
Circulate the room and take notes.
XI. Share & Reflection
A. Answer the AIM.
1. Get guardian to sign class agreement.
2. We have a test tomorrow. Bring notebook and pens to take notes.

Lesson Plan Sept. 4
What can I do to prepare for Regents Task 4?
Do Now
Make a list of at least 6 books you have been assigned to read in school
that you remember. Include author name, main characters, and themes.
Class Work & Discussion
-Explain purpose of assessment to students.
-Use rubric to review task.
-Discuss test-taking strategies
-Model ¡§quote analysis¡¨ for students (breakdown words, write 5-7 sentence
interpretation of quote, agree/disagree thesis stance)
-Choosing a quotation.
-Choose the appropriate texts to write about (Pair & Share ¡§Do Now¡¨)
-Review basic outline (intro, body 1, body 2, compare/contrast literary
elements, conclusion)
Answer the AIM.
Choose a quotation and outline your essay tonight at home, making sure you
have a thesis. This outline is worth a 50 point test grade and will
be ¡§notebook checked¡¨ at the beginning of class tomorrow¡¨. Tomorrow, you
will have all day in class to write. Your essay will be collected in class
on Monday for a test grade of 250 points¡Xbut I¡¦ll add 10 points to your
grade if you finish it in class tomorrow! ļ
Sept. 5
Why is it important to demonstrate our knowledge?
Do Now
-Review from yesterday.
-Notebook check- Outline
Class Work & Discussion:Instruct students to work independently¡Xno talking,
if you have a question, come to my desk. Remember- 10 points extra if you
finish your essay in class today.
Your essay will be collected in class on Monday for a test grade of 250
points. If you do not complete this essay, your parents will be called
*and* a late penalty of 30 points per day will be assessed.