Monday, December 1, 2008

Homework Dec. 1-5th

Lesson Plan: Monday. Dec. 1

AIM In what ways does fantasy help and harm people trying to cope with reality?
Do Now
1) Describe a (school appropriate) time when you or someone you know did not want to face reality. What did you do to “get away”?

2) Is there any such thing as “harmless fantasy”? Is it better to face reality or is it all right to view the world the way you want to see it?

Class Work & Discussion1) Assign Roles: Stella, Blanche, Eunice, Steve, Young Man, Narrator (to read stage directions)
2) Read scene 5 aloud and discuss questions 18-21 in class.
3) If time allows, watch film and compare/contrast reading with film.

Group Work:
Break class into groups to answer scene five questions, then share out (if time allows).

HomeworkRead A Streetcar Named Desire scene six, questions 18-23. You should be reading your companion text as well; by Friday, Dec. 5th you should be about halfway through your companion text.

Lesson Plan: Tuesday, Dec. 2

AIM -- Is Blanche correct in stating that “deliberate cruelty” the only unforgivable crime?

Do Now-- Homework on desk for notebook check.

During Do Now: Find an example of “deliberate cruelty” in the play. Why do you think this act is cruel? What does it reveal about the character?

NOTE: Ask two students to write their answers to HW questions on the board.

Class Work & Discussion1) Watch scene 6 on DVD.
2) Discuss “Do Now” examples of cruelty.
3) Debate Blanche’s husband’s death—what was her culpability in his demise?
4) Debate AIM

Reflection: Answer the Aim!
Homework: Read A Streetcar Named Desire, Scene 7. Complete questions 24- 26. You should be reading your companion text as well; by Friday, Dec. 5th you should be about halfway through your companion text.

Lesson Plan:
Wed. December 3

AIMHow far should people go to show loyalty to people they love? To friends? To family?

Do NowDescribe a time that you found out a good friend or relative was dishonest with you about their past. How did you feel when you learned the truth? Did your relationship change, and how?
Describe a time you found out a secret about a person you did not like. What did you do with that information? Are you happy about the way you handled the situation?

Share “Do Now”

Class Work & Discussion1) Watch Scene 7 of Streetcar. (Or read aloud—student choice!)
2) Discuss in class questions 24-26.
2) Class debate: What should Stella do about what Stanley knows.

Read Scene 8 from A Streetcar Named Desire. You should be reading your companion text as well; by Friday, Dec. 5th you should be about halfway through your companion text.

AIMWhy does Mitch come to see Blanche one last time?

Do Now
· Notebook check questions 27-29.
· Class Meeting: Companion Text for Streetcar
· During Notebook check, assign each row a question 30-33 as a quiz grade. Complete your assigned question (30-33) and prepare to share your answer with the class.

Class Work & Discussion:
· Ask student to summarize scene 8.
· Class review of HW questions 27-29:
1. What has Stanley bought for Blanche?
2. Stanley gets angry at Stella for telling him his face and fingers are disgustingly greasy. What does he do in response?
3. What happens at the end of Scene Eight?
· Watch video of Scene 9.
· Discuss/Write answers to questions 30-33
1. In Scene Nine, who stops by unexpectedly to see Blanche?
2. Blanche makes a very telling statement about reality. What does she say?
3. What does Blanche admit happened after her husband’s death? Why did she say she did this?
4. Why does Mitch say he won’t marry Blanche now?
· As a class, discuss the AIM. What is Mitch’s objective in this scene?
ReflectionAnswer the aim in a well-written paragraph using at least one quotation from the text.
Read scenes 9 and 10 from A Streetcar Named Desire; complete questions 34-36.
As a reminder: Scene 10 contains a violent act that is very disturbing. Please be prepared for this, and if you are upset by this scene, see me after class and I will make arrangements for you to work in another classroom tomorrow, no questions asked. J
You should be reading your companion text as well; by Friday, Dec. 5th you should be about halfway through your companion text.

AIMHow do humans’ primal behaviors both strengthen and destroy them?

Do Now
· Notebook check questions 34-36.
· Put Book Report #3 in HW Basket.
· During NB Check: Quickwrite-- What is a “primal instinct”? Can people be expected to resist their primal instincts?

Class Meeting:
· Class Meeting: Respecting peers during discussion of violence in Streetcar.
· Choose a Companion text for Streetcar by Friday, Nov. 30th and bring it to class for 50 points.
· Share “Do Now”

Class Work & Discussion:
· Ask student to summarize scene 10.
· Watch Scene 10 on film, compare/contrast to the book.

Discussion Questions:
· Who does Blanche tell Stanley she heard from? What invitation does she say he extended?
· Blanche tells Stanley that Mitch came to see her that night. What does she tell him the reason was?
· What happens at the end of Scene Ten?
· As a class, discuss the AIM and debate it using examples from the text.
ReflectionAnswer the AIM in a well-written paragraph.

HomeworkRead scene 11, complete question #37. Get caught up with your reading over the weekend!